Michael grabbed his cheeks with his right hand and squeezed them a little as he listened the the details. Periodically it extended his lips even more and probably made him look like fish. He didn't know, he hadn't watched himself doing this in a mirror for lethal reasons. Nor did he care He squeezed a tad harder as he heard reasons for [b] them [/b] to be chosen. Invisibility in the big picture, political situation, lack of allies. Seemed he was a tad bigger fish than others, but he shouldn't get too cocky in this situation. He squeezed another time when he heard about the payment. To be earned... They didn't discuss it to greater detail just yet but promised to return to the very point that interested him a lot. He drummed his right hand's fingers against the left one as they discussed about the frictions between the barons. Fancy information, something that already gave the Fourth Face ideas on what to do. And how he'd perhaps get with Maccellan's gang into the mixture. Possibilities were there. And before any more was revealed or discussed, one of the two thralls made a phone call. After that, Fourth Face was dropped into rabbit's hole. It was a fraction, a passing moment. He didn't know how it had happened, it just had. First he was about to die; he was about to burst, his insides to be pressed into a single point. He grabbed his chair in pain. And then he felt his power intensify as pain vanished. The mists that were him, inside him... He didn't know how, but he knew that it was possible, even easy, to fill the room, even the docs with mists. Or turn invisible, with smallest mists needed for his existence. Fight against the winds, he understood now how little he had tried out his powers, how little he had expanded his powers... And then it was gone. He was no longer a real monster but mere mob boss's lap dog again. [i]This [/i] he thought[i] is what I yearned for. Power...[/i] He understood from looking from others that they too had experienced what he had. They had power too... To be used or to be watched out for, he didn't know. He took a deep breath and tried to relax again in his chair. “We will give you the tools to take back control of your immortal life that has been denied to you. Any questions?” Michael had none. He understood that this was the chance he had longed for. And he was ready to aid in this rebellion just to get the two things he wanted. Power... And Power. But there was a long road to that goal. For Michael's dislike someone still had doubts about this whole plan. Michael was more than happy for the Detective to talk out loudly in order to explain the situation for the sickened creature. But there was far more interesting facts that he revealed to the group. A possibility that their employer would be a Baron was an interesting one and would make a lot of sense. They should prepare to be betrayed by such a Baron if it'd come to it. Peter was an intelligent man and one reason he was hired once. But a fool also; such information could be saved for oneself. Still naively trusting others, Fourth Face thought. Or trying to make himself look trustworthy in other's eyes. “So, if you can’t take the heat it’s time to get out of the kitchen, because I’m saying we need to sign a blood pact, secrecy or death, as I’m sure I’m not the only one of the opinion that none of you can be trusted.” The Detective, Peter Reed said, looking at Michael while saying this. Michael tilted his head and made half a smile. A small one, but still. He was guilty for small betrayal in their short time they had worked together. But he agreed that he either didn't trust a lot of them either, so a blood pact, while he disliked the idea to a great length, would still be the best opinion here. “But of course” Michael said, confidently, straightening his pose (Which didn't improve his situation much thanks to his bad posture) and grabbing the jacket's front, yanking it downwards. “None of us wouldn't like to have a dagger in our back.” he said before turning his head towards the two thralls.” And if that's what you call... “ He licked his lips and made a smack. “Proof of concept, I definitely will offer my assistance. Others?” He finished, looking left and right with his eyes. Perhaps one day he'd be betrayed thanks to this whole ordeal. But he trusted he would be the smarter one when that day came.