Vor Shinse was scanning the area from her position, set up behind a counter on the ground floor of a nearby building. A gaping hole in the wall in front of her gave her a clear view of the conflict while an open door to her right gave her a escape route. Her attention was suddenly grabbed by an Enclave soldier sprinting past. Normally she wouldn't have given it much though, but this one wasn't wearing a helmet. If she could lead the headshot she'd have Enclave armour at her disposal!Granted, Enclave armour without a helmet wasn't something she'd want to use, but the Fusion core? That could make a pretty decent makeshift grenade... "Bad day for you mother- [i]Merde![/i]!" she cursed under her breath as she lined the shot. She'd just been about to pull the trigger when a truck barreled past, obscuring her view long enough for the soldier to get away. The vehicle came crashing to a stop, slamming into an Enclave soldier and swinging around to reveal heavy machine guns that began firing on various Enclave members. [i]Oh well,[/i] she thought to herself, [i]The truck should make quick work of that guy anyway.[/i] She also noticed to great approval that the truck had the piece of mind to take out the propellers of a nearby vertibird, sending it screaming into the ground and she smiled. People on this island could spot a weak spot after all! Vor Shinse briefly considered sticking around to shoot the trucks gas tank once it ran out of ammunition to take out any nearby Enclave, but she realised that she didn't know how many people were powering the vehicle and that it seemed to be solar powered, meaning there was nothing to ignite. It was also at that moment that another boat exploded thanks to energy weapon fire, several refugees caught in the explosion. She gritted her teeth. The Enclave would let them all live, huh? Was that why they were taking out unarmed refugees? She started to move towards the place she assumed the shot had come from, stopping to grab the second gas can as she went. She was going to have a word with someone.