[i]Oceansrock King’s court[/i] The Kings Council was summoned twice a month and often certain members were absent as they were abroad on duty or occupied their tasks elsewhere. For this very reason half a dozen scribes sat at the back of the long thin hall where to meticulously record every idea discussed and decision reached so that those who were not present could be informed of state affairs as quickly as possible. Today was such a day Councillor Richard of Ironfort, as well as Ambassador Martin were away and would be getting summaries of this meeting via carrier pigeon. The former was at his post in the east investigating the tales of dozens of refugees coming from the Republic of Dont these past few months fleeing corruption and poverty. As these refugees are Aznavori the traditional approach of expelling them was not feasible. Instead all such person that had been intercepted by the increasingly frequent cavalry patrols were questioned about current events taking place in the east, fed and given a job to earn their keep. Many became apprentices in Ironfort working in the foundries that lit up the town both night and day,others went down the mines that supplied the forges whilst others were sent further west to Winterskeep where labourers were in high demand as Shipwyards and wharves were being expanded. The latter, Ambassador Martin was a diplomatic mission to the Alliance territories of the south where his job was to secure a renewal of a past trade agreement, reassure the Alliance of Aznavor’s peaceful intentions with regard to the situation to the east and to consult the Alliance on their attitude to the crisis The situation in Dont was the crisis on everybody's thoughts. First of all Master Klaus reported that the new arrivals were not members of the Western faith and therefore had to be converted voluntarily or face exclusion from all faith-based aspects of community including relief efforts in times of need and protection by the Patriarch from Nogaret God of Darkness and the night. As many councilors were wary of a potential inquisition it was agreed that the faith should send disciples and clerics to Ironfort to ensure that the new arrivals be welcomed into the Western faith as brothers an equals. It was rare that Master Klaus ever made such explicit demands of the Council and rarer still when he was refused as no man noble or common-man wished to incur the anger of the faith. It was then the turn of Councillor Duloire to inform his Royal Highness of the threat to internal stability that was the large eastern neighbour. Allowing so many refugees from a republic into Royal lands might eventually lead to a spreading of so called enlightened ideas that had undermined royal families in the past. And because Duloir was the King’s nephew the King was likely to heed his warnings. Vincent, Commander of Oceanrock’s city guards confirmed that the infusion of larger numbers of poorer elements in society would inevitably lead to increased crime In the cities. Action would have to be taken to stem the tide of refugees from the east. On this all agreed. Next came the issue of the discovery of a new world that was supposedly uninhabited. Councilor Guy responsible for exploration presented a quickly made larger version of the Cartographer’s guild map to the audience on which he detailed the best potential locations for settlement according to his estimates. The natural continental was presented as an excellent base for ships to resupply or carry out repairs in safety. Guy requested that three ships be employed for the express purpose of sending explorers to the new world and claiming a small settlement for future expansion for the glory of Aznavor. This request was granted Two Sloops and a Brig would be sent to the eastern new continent carrying supplies, a few weapons, and explorers to map out the interior. This prompted Ross of Shipskeep to remind the council of the unfortunate state of Aznavor’s fleet a situation that had long embarrassed the King. It was known that ships were required in much larger numbers but the fact remained that Aznavor simply did not want to expend it’s resources of Naval projects since having invested heavily in modernizing the existing fleet. Sheathing the entire fleet with copper bottoms had in itself been particularly expensive. This prompted Matthieu Delunion to remind his colleagues of the offer made by the Sofon Dominion and to advise that the offer be accepted to generate more profit that could in future be re-invested into the expansion of the royal navy. In response the following letter was drafted [i]To his majesty Edgard III,Lawful and undisputed ruler of the Sofon Dominion, King Philip extends his hand to you as one monarch to another. The people of Aznavor and their representatives, that is to say both the King and us members of his majesty’s council have elected to approve your appeal to use some of our facilities in order to expand into the new world. Naturally the people of Azanvor will require certain guarantees and securities: Firstly, your captains who presumably will first need to be formed are to obey our own officials in matters relating to inspections. This is to establish that a fair 30% share is achieved and to ensure no threat to Aznavori security occurs. Secondly; in the name of security supply fleets and commercial vessels will be allocated wharves and equipment in Oceansrock and Havenport, Military vessels are to be focused entirely in Wintergate where facilities are being expanded and adapted for your use as I write to you. Under no circumstances are your trade vessels to be found in Wintergate nor your military vessels in Oceansrock or Havenport unless prior approval is obtained. Thirdly: A trade agreement will be formed between our two Kingdoms to better supply one another with our mutual resource needs. As we do not have a land border trade will have to be primarily maritime in nature or in Aventia. Fourthly; whilst your crews, soldiers, sailors and merchants are welcomed in our cities all weapons will have to be surrendered to port authorities. They can be collected when leaving the city. Fifthly: All geographical knowledge gained by the Sofon Dominion of the new worlds wll be possible only thanks to Aznavori co-operation and therefore Sofon shall endaevour to have its explorers provide Aznavor with up-to-date maps of the land charts of the waters surrounding it. If you agree to these conditions; inform us immediately we shall allocate you the relevant facilities immediately. Matthieu Delunion Ambassador of Aznavor and Ross of Shipskeep, Naval Minister.[/i] Lastly it was the turn for Marc, who until recently had been little more than a very successful merchant, to speak. Marc had been raised to a position of councilor the previous year and had immediately undertaken a massive expansion of transport infrastructure, converting what had once been dusty country roads into paved commercial lanes linking up the cities allowing internal trade to flow more efficiently. His low birth earned him the distrust and the scorn of many nobles, particularly those whose families had proud military histories that could be traced back to the centuries during which Aznavor was still a feudal society. Nevertheless his works had stimulated the economy and had impressed his majesty who was more than willing to invest in Marc’s latest project: one that involved linking up the rivers of the country by a system of canals and locks that could permit ships to travel through the country as opposed to around it and would allow trade to be carried by barge offering an alternative to merchant who were still employing roads that had not yet been paved. [hider=GM] Robert the Freedman is invited to come as discreetly a possible to Ironfort where he will be met by the King who admires and applauds his efforts to protect his people from abuse at the hands of a corrupt government. Military advisors are summoned in great secrecy and haste to Ironfort to help educate the Workers party in the ways of War. Alexander Duloire discreetly summons his spies and assassins to Ironfort. However, certain conditions must be met for Aznavor to throw its weight behind the Workers Party which is why Robert is invited to meet the King. [/hider] [u]TLDR[/u] -Aznavor is very concerned by a stream of refugees coming from the Eastern republic of Dont -Explorers are sent east in three ships to start mapping out the interior of Aventia -The Sofon Dominion’s offer is accepted -The Kingdom invests in canal and lock building to help stimulate internal trade ( is $2,000,000 an appropriate figure?)