Svarak looked curiously at Rilana from his seat, wondering why she was avoiding the easier mountain pass. They'd have to cross mountains regardless, and taking the other route meant harder climbing. But she was the expert. He could easily get himself to Frigmount, but he wasn't as sure about dragging along an entire expedition. And the small forest would be a nice trip down memory lane, it had been ages, just like everything else. Maybe he wouldn't return to Ebonfort at all, and retire to a hermit's life somewhere far from people. If he had time left after, that is. A flick of the reins sent him forward, and the entire expedition moved out, leaving the curious onlookers behind. The first few days passed without incident, as they followed the rocky, coniferous lined path, until it dwindled into the forest proper. The trees here were large, old, and untouched. They were too far from civilization to really be bothered with. But something felt... wrong, felt off. It was already dark from the thick clouds dropping snow across the land, but it was much darker beneath the pine branches. As they ventured deeper, the rams began to get skittish, snorting and looking around nervously. The unranked knights were looking around in nervous curiosity, the drow women apathetic, and Svarak just smiling, reminiscing. As they crossed a shallow stream, the air felt stale, and the feeling of dread grew. Svarak was chuckling quietly to himself, as his sword glowed dully. [color=f7941d][i][b]"Envoy, you might want to slow the pace. I didn't realized they'd survived all these years. And they still have their magic it seems. Just need to be slow and steady, and not harm anything."[/b][/i][/color] Echo was growling nervously, but couldn't pick something to direct his efforts toward. Neither of the drow women spoke up, and most people knew drow could see heat signatures. There were no obvious signs of danger anywhere, snow covered trees, a few uncovered, rocks, bare shrubbery, and game paths going every which way. Svarak was simply enjoying the ride, smirking slightly, curious to see what the Envoy did when she didn't have all the information.