[center][h1][b][color=aba000]Amon Ru-Amen[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] The levitating man briefly stopped eating, setting down his fork and knife to glare at the scene unfolding between Cesare and Saint Frank. His red eyes seemed completely unamused, finding their exchange the least bit entertaining or useful. That is until the bald, angry man mentioned a weapons deal. [color=aba000][i]I see, so that is his order of business. One of the tasks he surely will be giving us. However... that man seems incompetent.[/i][/color] Amon continued to watch Frank and his troupe as they exited the building, only after the door closed did he bother to speak again. [color=aba000]"Vulgar filth. We used to cut the tongues off of people like him,"[/color] he mentioned casually, not particularly loudly or to anyone specific but with enough volume to express his opinion on Saint Frank. Amon silenced himself again and only listened while he resumed eating, using this time to gauge the importance or relevance of everyone present. It was only after he finished his meal did he decide to make a call on what to do. [color=aba000]"Cesare,"[/color] he spoke, setting his silverware on the plate on his lap. [color=aba000]"I can see what kind of man you are, and what kind of men the others are."[/color] Notably he said nothing of the women. [color=aba000]"You command attention and respect, but you are no leader."[/color] Amon took the plate in his hands and ceased levitating, putting his feet on the floor to stand like a normal person. [color=aba000]"However... I will lend you my strength for we share a common enemy."[/color] A menacing and malicious grin took Amon's face as he shifted his gaze from Cesare to the two men that were with Saint Frank who had returned from outside. Amon held the plate in the palm of his hand and lifted it up high, brandishing it for all to see. While keeping his grin and eye-contact with the two Sunflower members, the plate suddenly ignited in an intense yellow flame. The display only lasted a few brief seconds as the plate was burned to ashes and the silverware melted, dripping down from Amon's hand onto the floor where it burned the carpet. As the ashes scattered when the flames ceased, Amon's expression returned to a neutral state and he returned his gaze to Cesare. [color=aba000]"I will also attend the weapon deal this evening,"[/color] he announced, bringing his hand back down to his side. [color=aba000]"Amon Ru-Amen will annihilate anyone who interferes with the business, with extreme prejudice. If that vulgar mortal and his soldiers cannot keep the situation under control then [i]I[/i] will step in and demonstrate true power."[/color] Amon took a brief moment to look around at the other gathered men and women, making sure to look each one directly in the eyes. It was almost as if he was looking straight into their souls. [color=aba000]"I will take leave from this meeting early in order to make preparations."[/color] The brown-skinned man brought his fists together in front of his chest, giving a slight bow in the general direction of everyone at the table. Without another word he began his casual stride to the door, making sure to lock eyes with Baba and Cliff on the way out. Of all the people that had attended, something was different about Saint Frank that Amon picked up on immediately: he was only human. That was his greatest distinction from everyone else that Cesare had called upon. And the God-King knew that humans are weak.