[hr] [color=2F4F4F][b]Abyss[/b][/color] [hr] Between bites Lester was taking a look at the bald, apparently Russian, man who seemed to also think poorly of the media and listened more intently to the call for serious information on the heroes they would be fighting and to the response of they're host also noting that he wasn't the only one silently interested in the conversation not to mention the Russian looking at him and the others. It was not a thought that graced his mind often because he rarely thought about how much fear someone like him could strike in the public but then again he was generally self-reliant rarely having to depend on someone to help or hide him if they even could. One thing that struck him was how no one seemed to call after the obvious fun to be had in dealing with Royale Patterson, he would call him Roy out of laziness, not to mention the possible threat posed by someone like him going rogue. Knowing how drug operations and the leadership worked it wasn't like the man was untouchable even with money/means though if he was smart enough with some balls he could cause them setbacks if it came down to it and Lester hated the idea of ruining an awesome gig like this because some lackey decided he was done. It gave him one clear target that he knew would bring him some enjoyment though he would have to hold back because the boss man still wanted him in line if possible, possible being the key word for him. Watching a few more people left, the mostly silent pair who left without a word with the fancy fur coat in tow and Ali Babba The Magnificent who could float and melt things as he was eager to show it, made for a wonder for how the other jobs were going to fair with them attending. [i]Probably shouldn't keep the boss waiting for an answer for much longer, he might not let me choose if I do.[/i] "As much fun as that sounds friend I'd like to know more about this Roy Patterson guy. After all I would be more than willing to give him a nice reason to keep with your plan but I do like to have some specifics about my targets beforehand, I mean I could always take my time with it to find out myself but you don't seem like a waiting man." Lester spoke with more purpose and focus ending in a more wily/playful smile at first giving feedback to the Russian before moving his attention to the man of the hour Cesare. "However, you seem like a nice enough boss so if I might get a little heads up on Night Terror's activities after this trust exercise it would be great. I can understand if maybe you aren't willing but it would make tracking him down much easier when its time to, not to mention make me a happy clam." He continued suddenly feeling like he wanted clams but immediately striking down the stray thought even if he did get a few more bites of chicken in right afterwards. [i]I wonder if he would actually say so or not, depends on just how much he knows about me probably. Gonna be a good job either way but gotta wonder also who else is coming with if any in case I have to work with them...or they have to work with me which seems better.[/i]