To most of Rilana's questions and statements, Alya gave a rather excited nod and a bright smile. She knew that it would use up too much time to bring out her writing utensils to respond, as the Moon Fey had stated. When their brief 'conversation' had ended, Alya, with the help of an irritated Lyle, saddled onto a ram which was supposedly hers. Since she was extremely light, the ram didn't seem to notice that she had even gotten on. Lyle clicked his tongue when the Moon Fey greeted him with a plastered on smile. [color=f9ad81][b]"Tch. Bloody foreigners.."[/b][/color] He mumbled as he saddled onto a ram. Alya's keen hearing caused her to whip her head around to give Lyle a slight glare, to which Lyle responded with a another irritated tongue click as he gulped from his flask again. Alya was quite excited when the expedition group moved out, but her excitement slowly faded into a feeling neutrality as they moved continuously without much change in scenery. As the coniferous environment changed to a deciduous forest, Alya felt a chill go down her spine, but she didn't give it any extra thought, thinking that it was just a chill from the weather. It was quite dark, that much Alya could tell, but she couldn't discern anything beyond that. Echo, however, growled nervously but overall he seemed very confused. His Wolf mother noticed his actions and clicked her fingers twice. Immediately, Echo leapt onto her lap but he remained nervous still keeping a low growling noise. Perhaps she should play some music to soothe everyone? But then she remembered what Trix had said about the Ebonknights and the disappearances of Mages. So she refrained from even lifting her flute to her lips, just in case they somehow catch on that she has magic.