"Aw, looks like you've made a friend." Shou smirked to himself. There was a little girl with her mother, father and older sister in the park in the evening, with the child enjoying a piping hot, sweet snack, and the family dog being quite excited to meet Romeo. Shou flashed a smile at the family, who returned his smile, the wife, a beautiful woman in her early 30s, glowing with joy. Her husband's expression matched. They were the perfect happy family, enjoying a winter day out in the snow. He diverted his gaze with a melancholy look in his eyes, but smiling still, instead focusing down at the two dogs in their brief greeting. Romeo was fawned over and circled by the other dog, barking excitedly, and he even returned one or two, low and gruff. It wasn't characteristic of the dog to bark unless threatened, after all. It was best for him as a guard-dog, too. After the brief interaction with the couple, Shou wished the family a good night and they did the same, before they both went on their separate ways, Romeo's tail still wagging in the lingering moment. With the gentleman lost in his thoughts, and continuing to walk on, a brief flash of red caught his eye before quickly being concealed from his sight again. It stood out so much in the cold, and Shou did not know too many redheads... His own eyes searching for where it came from, he did not find a face. No, instead he found a very familiar hoodie with the hood pulled down, and a figure trying to hide himself from the professor. For most other redheads he knew, Shou would be unable to put name to face. However, this particular young man had been such an...[i]interesting[/i] pupil, Shou could not help but quietly pinch the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and his thumb. He was still smirking, though. [i]Mr Avery, I realise you are trying to avoid me. No, you have been all year, actually. However are we going to remedy you not doing your assignments? Only God knows where you get your smarts enough to pass my class, and with flying colours.[/i] Inhaling softly, he lifted his head and continued to walk on. Initially, he thought it was aimlessly, but he had a bit of a goal. If he wasn't to approach the boy himself, he definitely would make it so he'd come speak to [i]him[/i]. And Shou had just the idea. Not fifteen steps away, he could make out the figure of a dark-haired girl in a heavy coat. Though he doubted himself once, or twice, or admittedly thrice before approaching her, he managed to steel his resolve and approach her after all. Of course, this in any other circumstance would have been terrifying for the young lady. However, perhaps the presence of Romeo made things a little better, curiously going to lick the young lady's hand. There was barely two and a half feet of distance between the two of them in hardly any time. He could almost feel the warmth emanating from her, though he didn't so much as know her name. Stealing a quick glance at her, his heart settled. She was a student he had seen at the academy, however only occasionally. He didn't remember her as a biology major. However, the fact alone that he had at least seen her before, and she hoped he knew who he was, made him breathe a little easier. Sometimes teachers got to have their fun, too. Shou spoke softly, his voice in a lilting, deep chuckle as he gestured, barely looking the woman in the eye, at James where he stood with his hood pulled down. "Pardon me, miss. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that gentleman over there a friend of yours? If he isn't now...I presume he wants to be. Look at how he's hiding his face from you. Maybe you should go over and say hello?" ([@Cirrus][@Ivory])