[quote=@TheUnknowable]Sundown before the attack: Greg was locking up his store for the night when the two Brotherhood members arrived at his store. "Actually, I'm just locking up, and I was thinking that if we left now and drove for a few hours, we could clear it out tonight and maybe be back before the Enclave attacks. Should be back before noon." [hr] Three hours after leaving they pulled up to the factory in which the Vault entrance was located. Greg went to the back of the trick and lowered the hydraulic ramp he'd added to it so that his personal Protectron, Prince, could get out and so that other robots could load themselves into the truck after they captured them. "You two take point. Prince and I will take up the rear. The fastest way to it is through the elevator at the back of the building. Be careful, though. The last time I visited there were raiders living here." [/quote] [@Shadowman215][@TheUnknowable] Sparks was feeling even more guilty about leaving now, especially since Liberty Island was under threat of attack. Jensen would have been of more use defending the town. Still, maybe they could be done with this quickly and be back before anything happened. [hr] At the Vault, Sparks jumped out of the car, and helped Jensen get out of the cramped car. As Holden got the heavy support ready, she nodded and headed up to the elevator, checking for traps before opening the door with any passcodes Greg may have remembered. If there were no codes, or if the door remained closed, she would hack into the door panel and try and open it. Once the door was open, she nodded to Jensen, took out her rifle, and prepared for anything. [quote=@Letter Bee][@shadowsaint007], [@Madly33], [@Marcus XVI], [@Simple Unicycle], [@jordy0403], [@EvilEdd1984], [@Trevor1001], [@Shadowman215], [@TheUnknowable], [@Lord Coake], [@Vulkan], [@Hjalti].[/quote] Gabriel had just managed to get a good night's sleep and was out shopping when the sound of Vertibirds echoed overhead. The siege was on. It was soon clear that despite the long period of preparations and improving defenses, the settlement was unable to beat back the tide. The Enclave had come in, full force, with no other goal than complete victory. This was no raid on a mere settlement; this was an all-out war by a far superior foe with no sense of fair play. The only thing that seemed to stay their hands and prevented a massacre seemed to be that the Enclave was more interested in taking and holding the town and the people in it, rather than simply crushing the opposition flat. To Gabriel's chagrin, he was quickly finding out that his trust rifle was a shade above useless. He kept his tactics and his cool; he changed locations, used dust and obstacles to hide his presence, and kept switching sniping spots after every one or two shots to avoid being pinned down. The big problem was that his rifle, good as it was against wild creatures and raiders in the Wasteland, was barely able to dent Enclave powered armor. He managed to get a couple of kills, thanks mainly to the large eyes that made excellent (if small) targets on the suits, but other than that he was reduced to the role of a gadly. He swore repeatedly, his curses growing more and more colorful as each shot either bounced off heavy armor plating or barely missed a few exposed wires. He was trying to fight back against a couple of drones, wondering where the hell they had gotten all this hardware, when more drones and robots came in. His heart sank; the defenders had been overtaxed as it were, and this new assault was just overkill. There was no question of backing out now, however. He had no plan, no big weapons, no backup, and no idea of what was going on, but he at least he had a duty, and he intended to at least help the settlement as best he can. With renewed determination, he resumed his strikes, aiming at the robots' cameras, screens, monitors, and communication antennae, also taking out several of the more lightly armored units. Nonetheless, he kept his eye out for any seemingly important targets, anything whose loss would disrupt the attack and thus potentially turn the tide.