[i][b][center]Patrol Mission[/center][/b][/i] The cat playing on Skyra's tail still continued to playfully nibble on it even after she fell, at least until the bald boy whistled for it. [b]"bad Chihiro! Don't hurt the customers!"[/color] The little kitten climbed onto Skyra's head before jumping off, landing on a table and running towards the leader. He caught the kitten and placed him gently onto his shoulders. Once the cat was safely secure he turned back towards Krysthane. [b]"Anyways, nice to meet all of y'all. And you're the ones who stopped the robberies? I was wondering why I haven't heard much about them recently... Hmm. Didn't know about the robots though. I thought it was the work of gangs. Most of my leads were gang related, so I can't really tell you much about the robots. Buuuut,"[/b] The gang leader left the team for a moment, returning with a business card. [b]"I know a guy a few blocks down, a mechanic, who specializes in robots and such. If there's anything to know about those robots, he should know. Oh! I guess I ought to let you know what I figured out last time. Maybe it'd be helpful."[/b] The bald-headed leader told the team about various gangs within the city of Vale, what their territory was, their methods, and some of the rumors about their crimes and the trouble they've caused. One gang in particular, known as "The Mousers" are a particularly violent gang that actually are criminals that need to be put down. They stood out because there was an image of one of their members, but in the background was something familiar: the tag found at the last scene, W.A.R. There isn't much known about where they official have their HQ at, but the bald guy mentioned that he took the picture at the Land of Walt. [b]"One more thing!"[/b] The bald headed leader gave Krysthane a set of keys. [b]"It's not much, but I got a [url=http://i.imgur.com/RKRkcVQ.jpg]car[/url] in the garage. It looks pretty, but under the hood it isn't all that great. I haven't tuned it for racing yet. Still, better than walking around everywhere, yeah? I'll let you take it out for a spin, so take care of it!"[/b] [@Eklispe][@Ryonara][@SevenStormStyle][@Pyrodash888]