The Yit was disembarked a moment after the ship with the two Dathomirans, thanks to David's pep talk. Huleez walked in the forefront of the three, her face stoic and impassive, and her stride steady. Aleko practically swaggered after her, with Fiona gliding at his side. They approached the man who remained on the landing pad, and Huleez raised a hand in greeting. "We're answering a help wanted ad," her voice was quiet and blank. It was strange that she, appearing to be a younger girl, spoke for the group with two older and taller humans behind her. But they had wanted to give her the appearance of a hardened spacer, and it wouldn't do to have her sitting meekly in the back of every encounter. The ruse was surprisingly effective, she gave off an air of mystery that would give one pause when they met her.