[img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/9a388d2a6ec2ecae788ed9305cd5e061/tumblr_ntvlcdJfmI1u2ohkzo2_500.gif[/img] Name: Livius Age: 18 Height: 5'9" Weight: 153 lbs Likes: Coffee, tea, sweets, meat, roses, reading at night, nighttime, staying up late, surfing the internet, sleeping late, memes, drawing, sketching, painting, gymnastics, getting into fights, pumpkin spice lattes, BAKING HE LOVES BAKING SO MUCH, animals Dislikes: Being bored, vegetables, getting up too early, going to sleep too early, lazy people Party Trick: Can balance on a circus ball perfectly Profession: A pastry chef Bio/Personality: Livius is known to be a troublesome young man, notorious for his mischievous attitude and how prone he is to provoking others. He lives away from his parents, who are extremely wealthy and have always looked down on him. He has his own apartment in Shine City. Still, he regularly attends classes and is rather intelligent. He does rather well academically, unless he's forced to take a class that he's not interested in. When uninterested in a subject, he has a habit of getting distracted or daydreaming, causing him to lose focus. Livius has a cool, but mischievous demeanor with a deep love of teasing others. His temper isn't volatile and he knows how to keep a cool head, much to the frustration of others who he may be talking with. Although at times careless with the feelings of others, Livius tends to apologize if he's hurt the feelings of someone he cares about. If he's hurt the feelings of someone he dislikes, then it was most likely intentional. Livius isn't someone who thinks of others as enemies too easily. Livius has cunning and skill, but at times he may be oblivious to the feelings of others. He still cares very much for his friends, and is considerate to the feelings of shier and more silent people as well. He tends to come off as clingy to friends, but will often bake them treats in order to show his appreciation. Livius has a great amount of patience and is surprisingly good at taking care of others. He tends to fret over the well-being of friends very often, even though he tries desperately not to show it. He's good at being the motherly type and dislikes it when others pick on or insult his friends. He's disinterested in protecting his own reputation, but it's easier to provoke him when his friends are being insulted. He's incredibly protective of what is his and he may behave that way towards his friends. He may become jealous when he sees them talking to other people that he doesn't know, but he doesn't act on those feelings. Livius also doesn't get flustered easily, no matter how much he's complimented. He dislikes talking about his past and about his parents. As a child he was often bullied and called a "monster" due to his somewhat odd looks. He got into trouble often as a result of that, and as a result of his parents frequently neglecting to pay attention to him. Eventually, he evened out, but they sent him off to Shine City anyways. Livius dislikes his parents and wishes to remain as far away from them as possible, but he routinely acts respectful for the purpose of not getting disowned. He has little expectations for his parents, and knows them to have terrible, sour personalities. He's much freer in Shine City, where he has some friends and gets by on his own for the most part. Livius also has a deep love of animals. He has four dogs, which his parents allow because it makes them look good, allowing their son to have so many pets. He also feeds cats that live outside. They seem to like him very much. [hider=Pets] Otto [img]http://class.dogloveit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pembroke-Welsh-Corgis3.jpg[/img] Captain [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Shiba_Inu_600.jpg[/img] Mimi [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HYeAx-DpuqA/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] Yaku [img]http://www.bestakcpups.com/user/cimage/Fyre.jpg[/img] [/hider] Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpqmoBYkQfc