[center][h2]Peoples Republic of China[/h2] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1eDtnSUn9cI/UFU9ICX4MGI/AAAAAAAAAWY/vD1Ot0I9Iyk/s1600/China--flag-pictures.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeMFXiEq_ow]中国国歌[/url][/center] [b] December 3rd[/b] Jinping had received the message from the Russian’s as he got out of his car arriving at Zhongnanhai. It was interesting to say the least. Skimming over the message once more has he sipped his tea. Proposition was indeed appealing seeing that it would hold off the west and the accursed NATO. Upon hearing the door open to the council room, seeing fellow party members and other figureheads of the country. Jinping had let everyone sit and their tea to be poured by the staff aids everyone looking to one another. Each of them had read Putin’s Memo, but refrained from saying much. “The Russians have proposed the Moscow Pact, as a defense agreement against westward imperialism.” Jinping spoke, afterwards taking another sip of tea. “It would help relations with the Russians to secure petroleum resources keeping them locked with us. Also keeping the United States out of our affairs. Also I would like to report that we’ve acquired more American debt which we can use to our advantage if needed.” Spoke Gaoli, also taking a sip of the tea. "Also that we will be increasing production prices for manufactured good for the western world. Since they lack a the manpower and current engaged in other affairs. A minor price but still, impacting their finances considerably." Gaoli had spoke again “Good.” Nodded Jinping. “I will go to Russia and sign this pact. If any of you hold ideas for this Moscow Pact, forward them to my secretary and will bring them up at the conference if they have any merit. “Is there anything else that warrant mention?” “Yes.” Madam Liu spoke out. “Our athletics program has been promising better results this last few months. In Rio de Janeiro we will surpass the American’s in the Olympics.” She spoke with a straight face. Her job after all depended on it. “I look forward to see this Yangdong. This is all for now. I will look forward to your suggestions, ladies and gentlemen.” Jinping leaving him the last one to follow out to his office, his secretary in tow. Exhaling as Jinping sat down writing a brief memo that would be sent out to Vladimir. "Have this sent to to Vladimir Putin post haste." Nodding the middle aged woman had left to return the message to the Russians. [hider=To Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation] We shall attend the Moscow Pact and will welcome the friendship that this opportunity will provide all nations that sign such an agreement. However there are other things I would like to discuss with you in private a sensitive matter that could yield beneficial results for both parties. Sincerly, Xi Jingping, President, General Secretary of Communist Party[/hider]