It seemed as if this wasn't really a fan meeting, but still, it looked like there was at least one fan present. A man wearing jeans and an old t-shirt. Not the usual kind of fans, but she did not mind. A fan was a fan and possibly a next meal. [color=ec008c]"Why thank you. It's always a pleasure to meet a fan."[/color] She said to the man. (@Sombrero) Then, more and more people started to arrive and she just quietly sat on a chair and waited for what was going to happen. She was ready to transform at any time in case something went south, and with the amount of people in the room, she was sure that she could survive for a long time just be consuming whoever was closest. It was then that Cesare, as he introduced himself, finally appeared and started by explaining what food was available. Shame that she had just eaten. She kept hearing the man without interrupting him just to see what exactly was going on. A team against the coalition? That sounded good in her mind. If they could help her track down Cherry Bomb and find out who she really is, that would be perfect. Of course, she wasn't going to allow anyone to harm Cherry Bomb. That was a pleasure for her and her only. She wanted to say what was on her mind, but she instead decided to keep quiet and just listen to what everyone had to say and what jobs they would do. It seemed as if the people were divided between going to the weapons deal and this Argus guy. She thought that the Argus job was bad for her. The meeting would be in a public place, and if she was recognized, that could spook Argus. As for the weapons deal, guns weren't really her thing. That left the Patterson job up. She was still deciding on what she was going to do when she caught a conversation between Cesare and another men. More importantly, she heard him mention Cherry Bomb. The moment she heard the name, her skin became slightly darker. Anyone that was looking at her could have spotted this transformation. Still, she quickly calmed herself and returned her skin to normal. Once the conversation was over, it was time for her to claim what she was going to do. [color=ec008c]"I'll talk with this Patterson guy. Seems a job suited for me."[/color] She said to Cesare. [color=ec008c]"And if anyone wants to join me, I'll be glad to have them on board."[/color] She didn't really want company, but like they used to say in Hell, never go anywhere without a prepared meal...