While the crowd of players were reacting in different manners at the sight of the large army of vampires, a red armored little girl stepped forward and shouted, [i][color=f6989d][b]"What are you guys doing? Make a party with some other nerds and go already!"[/b][/color][/i] Eclair nodded at this and scanned the area for any available party being formed. At a not too far distance, she eyed a party with the players [i]Silver[/i] and [i]Ox Ymoron[/i], an and a , respectively. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to act as a healer support and extra tank (hopefully her could be of use against these undead monsters) for them, . Eclair approached the two and unsheathed her , turning her gaze towards the group of which were slowly coming towards them. [color=00aeef]"Mind me lending my assistance to you? I may not be much of an offense but I can offer defense and support to your party."[/color] Whether the party request was accepted or not, the templar charged forward and selected . [color=00aeef]"Anchor Howl!"[/color] A bright green light emitted from the elf as the attention of the turned towards her. She gulped slightly, her hands beginning to shake once more. One of them suddenly leaped towards Eclair, instinctively, she guarded with her shield yet taking a small amount of damage while being pushed back. This gave the knight the opportunity she wanted, [color=00aeef]"Shield stun!"[/color] was activated as the shield that guarded her was pushed with a sudden force onto the , causing it to stun for a short duration and giving the rest a chance to attack. [color=00aeef]"Now's the chance to attack!"[/color] Eclair shouted, her sword being swung towards the immobile monster.