[center][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/82/93/38/8293389873c758b4a866c3cb7b6f66c3.jpg[/img][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Jacob Maxson [b]ABSTRACT:[/b] The cop that was thrown away [b]DETAIL:[/b] Jacob was a cop, a shield to be used against degenerate criminals and psychopaths. A perfect poster boy who stood for the people and their protection. However it was his morals that ultimately proved his undoing. Jacob dug too deep and became a liability, the poster boy had to disappear. So strings were pulled and a plot was unfurled, leaving two men dead and all fingers pointed towards the late Officer Maxson. Stripped of his badge and thrown to the gutter, Jacob has been forced to become the enforcer of loan shark Maxwell Sharp. His betrayal has rocked his morals and loosened his foundations, but deep down is the cop who was thrown away.