[h3][center][i]Etsuko Tanaka // Serio Castle[/i][/center][/h3] The reactions she got for her occupation seemed to sting. She wanted to show them that she was serious, that she wasn’t a fake, but the grief she had felt from earlier made her tired. The Queen’s words were reassuring, however, and Etsuko managed to give a small smile. No wonder the citizens of Barcea adored Queen Serio so much. Quietly, she and Calypso followed Cyril to where they would be staying. Out of habit, Etsuko was about to decline the offer to stay overnight, but perhaps it was better that she didn’t. She didn’t think she could travel with how her body ached and her heart heavy. The fortune teller stayed close to her companion as she looked at the castle’s interior. It was quite beautiful, really, and she found herself feeling honored to be able to stay here, even for just a night. By the time they reached the room that held the Sentinels, Etsuko had slumped slightly against Calypso. She was tired and she wanted some time to herself. Of course, all feelings of fatigue quickly vanished as the one called Diane aimed her wrath towards Cyril. Etsuko had yelped, jumping and hiding behind Calypso. Her eyes were wide as she peeked over her tall friend’s shoulders to watch the scene unfold. Slowly, she left the shield of her friend to wave shyly at the Sentinels. She couldn’t help but giggle at Gortul’s welcoming, finding the giant man to be very warm. Any sort of comment that she might’ve had quickly faded away as she stood next to Calypso, biting her lip slightly as she looked at everyone in the room. Joy—or Vesta, as the Queen and addressed her—seemed to take command of the entire room. Etsuko was surprised by her tone, tilting her head somewhat as she wondered where it could have come from. She glanced around the room again. They were an assorted bunch, all gathered because of the same person. She glanced at the Prince then. Perhaps it was something in the Serio bloodline, the ability to gather people for a single objective. Or maybe it was something that royalty carried. Etsuko could only hope that their everyone’s future was bright.