[center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/4gxfp.png[/IMG][/center] Name: Daemon Sarius Race: Roman descent, Brittania-born Age: 32 Appearance: Long black hair that always seems to be in his face. Piercing blue eyes. Tanned skin from his work outside. He is lithe of build, yet broad of shoulder. He stands tall, nearly 6 foot. He favors a blue leather tunic, a plain white shirt underneath. His fingers are stained with ink. The only weapon he carries is a knife, tucked in his belt. He wears functional black boots, coming halfway up his calf. Personality/Bio: Daemon considers himself a scribe and philosopher, studying all that is unknown to him and to mankind of the era. The people of his town however see him as a wizard, performing miracles of healing, mysticism and magic. He loves exploring, yet is content to not interact with many people, because not many share his investigative spirit. Extras: Daemon was born in the year 418, near the end of the roman occupation of Britain. He grew up with an inquisitive mind, learning what he could from those around him until he set out on his own. He lives alone on the outskirts of town, where he isnt bothered too much by visitors, left to his own to study. Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLEQd3FI5Q0