TESV5 has exponentially more modded contents than Bethesda could ever hope to make, but with that said, it's a big field and caters to vastly different tastes (and require beefy machines). For myself, I really took a shine on the "game extension mods"; items like immersive weapons/armor and quests like Grey Cowl of Nocturnal expands the universe Bethesda created. Not much of a console gamer myself, since I like mouse and keyboard a lot more than the controller (except for racing games). And on the PC, I am more of a FPS and RTS guy. TES is one of the few RPGs I really dig. The lore is crazy deep and the games themselves are highly open, allowing for exploration at your own pace. Like Fox said, this is probably why most of us are here; there are just so many possibilities to discover with The Elder Scrolls, and what better avenue are more suitable than writing it out with fellow fans? Been playing a bit of ESO lately, anyone else have it?