It was summer and everything showed it, from the throngs of bathing suit clad people, to the very festive tourist attractions, to the ice cream vendors. Karia was not what one would call a beach bunny; in fact she wasn’t even from around the Orange Beach area but a small farm out in the woods near a no name town. She had been raised and apparently born there and still lived there with her mom on a farm she had inherited from some great uncle or something. The beach was simply one of the plus sides to a summer week long trip she agree to go on with her friends, despite her mom’s displeasure. She had even managed to scrounge up a few bucks to chip in on the bungalow they had rented out with its own private beach and a pool split between three other bungalows. It was on the beach were everyone congregated now and from where Karia was headed. She was not a drunk and watch dumb guys in too much Axe and expensive board shorts do stupid shit kind of girl and already too many of the preps had been hitting on her. She was a pretty thing, long hair of a deep burgundy color and pale ivory skin that covered a body one only found around a farm, all wrapped up in a small black string bikini. She was no wimp but the boys seemed to think it had been all gym work to impress them and so she felt it had been time to go. Their little place was just a short walk and while it was dark she was not worried and well in screaming distance besides her friends were all having too much fun to disturb. She simply quietly slipped away and made it to the shower where she was her feet and legs free of sad before heading up the board walk.