[quote=@gcold] ESO's nothing too amazing, and it does have the ups and downs associated with MMOs. Still, its lore are solid, even that means ordinary. And the gameplay's obviously different vs. the traditional, singleplayer format, but I enjoy it personally. Zanimax's going a different direction, so I consider it more as a spin-off than TES6. With FO4, they're innovating a lot, for sure. With big franchises like these, changes bound to happen, and as a player, I honestly just enjoy seeing more content. [/quote] I'm definitely not going to say I didn't have fun playing it. I stayed up way past any time considered reasonable because I was playing, but I do have to say that I noticed the things I didn't like after the fact. That said, good game, can't wait for mods to fix, change and add things. I hope Bethesda at least listens to some of the critiques, but I know the world of the VG making industry is definitely not catered to the player as much as we'd like it to be, so profits always have to come first. I just want a rich world with big choices where I can RP my own character, but still have it be as graphically upgraded from the original engine NV and FO3 were on. Like I said, both excited and dreading what they do to TES. Also, I posted. And I'll read those literary works later.