[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/GreeceSilhouette.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Old Royal Palace, Home of the Hellenic Parliament, Athens, Greece[/b] Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, lounged at his desk. He flicked aimlessly through a sheaf of papers, not really absorbing their contents. All the important decisions would be made by other members of the Syriza-dominated Cabinet. Tossing the manuscript aside, he drew his chair towards his desk and pondered for some minutes about the virtues of far-left socialism; how it had reigned supreme in the form of Communism in the great days of the past Soviet Union, and how his own country had, led by fascists, joined in an alliance to bring about the downfall of the greatest concept in world history. Alas that the modern Russia was less tasteful. Tspiras extended a hand and withdrew from the haphazard pile on his desk that constituted 'official documents' a single paper - a message from Vladimir Putin. A true Fascist if there ever was one, perhaps not quite at the level of Mussolini, but close. Offering an alliance - what madness. Germany and France had proved that Greece could manipulate the other European Powers to fund their revolutionary welfare system. The Prime Minister did not believe that the Russians would fund the country in the same way. He scrunched up the paper and cast it into his waste-paper basket, not even bothering to pen a reply. He would make a statement, and rely on NATO to provide a diplomatic cushion if Greco-Russian relations soured. Greece had not a care in the world. Oh, wait. The economy. [hr] [b]Neo Irakleio Golden Dawn Office, Irakleio[/b] Nikolaos Michaloliakos stood in the company of several high-level Golden Dawn members, deep in discussion. As [i]Igetis[/i], or leader of the Party, he was responsible for monitoring the activities of the Party as a whole and ensuring cohesive and unified operation of Party policies. "How go things in the Cypriot branch, Christou?" asked Michaloliakos. Christos Christou, President of ELAM, Golden Dawn's pan-Hellenist wing in Cyprus, cleared his throat and answered; "We have been able to organise several anti-Turkish rallies in the southern parts of Cyprus. A number of 'accidents' in northern Cyprus have taken place at our behest, in an attempt to demoralise the Turkish occupiers." "Well done. The Turks will regret the day that they first occupied Byzantine territories. Northern Cyprus will be the first step in the Hellenes reascension to glory." The [i]Igetis[/i] patted Christou on the arm, and reached into his pocket. He produced a folded piece of paper and waved it triumphantly. "Now, my friends, a light has appeared at the end of the tunnel. Vladimir Putin of Russia, who has so skilfully brought the Russia Federation out of the dark age brought upon it by the western Powers, has sent us a message of support." He handed the paper to Christou, who pored over the parchment in awe. "This... this is incredible!" cried the Cypriot, looking up. "Putin has given us a free hand to glory!" "Indeed. I have decided to issue a directive - Operation Metaxas is a go. The 'removal' of Tsipras must be achieved. You, Christou, will initiate Metaxas in its secondary form - your agents must eliminate Mustafa Akıncı and Ömer Kalyoncu in Northern Cyprus. Retake Hellenic lands and expel the invaders, with our blessing." Michaloliakos turned and looked upon a map mounted on the wall. His gaze wandered from Athens, north to Thessaloniki... and then east, to the great city of Istanbul, or Constantinople. The destiny of Greece was at hand. [hr] [hider=To the Russian Federation] To Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, Greetings and salutations to you, mighty leader of the Russian people! I am pleased and honoured by your support for our glorious party. I am happy to inform you that certain adjustments will shortly be made to the current government of Greece that will enable the implementation of our own manifesto to replace the corrupt and decadent rule of Syriza. Once Greece is liberated from these Communists, we shall be most grateful for your support. Withdrawal from NATO will be made in conjunction with an invitation for Russian forces to enter the country. We will permit use of Salamis Naval Base, the largest Greek naval facility, for use by your Black Sea Fleet - I am sure you would appreciate a more secure military stationing facility than those you have in Syria, unstable as that country is. Ending our membership of the European Union can only be considered if you would be willing to issue an interest-free, extended-repay date loan to bolster our economy during the transition to the drachma (I assume you have no wish to extend your ruble currency to the current financial ruin that is Greece). I hope that you will consider doing this, particularly considering the likelihood of Eurozone collapse with our departure. I am honoured to accept your invitation to Moscow of the 9th of this month. I look forward to discussing with you the activities of Golden Dawn and our Cypriot branch. Negotiations concerning Greek accession to the Moscow Pact could also be on the agenda if you wish - my apologies, President, but my agents intercepted this message to Tsipras. His government in so incapable that they cannot even protect their own communications network. I look forward to the meeting on the 9th, Regards, [i]Nikolaos Michaloliakos[/i] [/hider] [hider=To the Brazilian Fascist Movement] To our noble allies in Brazil, Golden Dawn will assist you in your endeavours as we may, as our situation is the same as yours. We struggle against a Communist government that has no real care for the people. Once our own struggle has been won, we can truly help and fund you. Regards, [i]Nikolaos Michaloliakos[/i], Leader of Golden Dawn[/hider]