[center][color=brown][h2]Clayton 'Clay' Radshaw[/h2][/color] [h3][u][/u][/h3] [img]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/Holy-Hunter/image_zpsiscszurf.jpg[/img] [i]"'Ain't nothing come for free' "[/i] Clayton is 6ft 180lbs and is naturally fit and muscular. [color=brown][i]Age[/i]:[/color] 32 [color=brown][i]Gender[/i]:[/color] Male [color=brown][i]Skills:[/i][/color] Brawling Drinking Mechanical repairs Riding motorbikes Physical Endurance [color=brown][i]Personality:[/i][/color] Clay, while a bit rough-around-the-edges is pretty care free and easy going guy. He can be a little arrogant and over confident and extremely head strong and stubborn at times. He is pretty quick to resort to violence or at least threats, the strike first ask questions later type. Character flaws aside he has a generally good heart and will make sacrifices for others. Behind his arrogance he doesn't really believe he is worth dirt, often denying his own happiness believing he must suffer for mistakes of the past. He's the kind of guy that trouble is attracted too. [color=brown][i]Biography:[/i][/color] In his younger years Clayton had a promising professional fighting career in front of him, he had only needed to keep focused. Instead in his arrogance he partied with the wrong people and fought outside the ring. One fight cost a young mans life. Clay was never the same after that, he had to spiral down to rock bottom before he could build himself back up. Finally he cleaned himself up and managed to get a respectable job and became a wiser man. [color=brown][i]Fears:[/i][/color] Being trapped (claustrophobia) [color=brown][i]Other:[/i][/color] [color=brown][i]Theme Song:[/i][/color] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj2B-R2ok_E]"[i]Made of Scars[/i]" by Stone Sour[/url] [/center]