[hider= 75th Infantry Battalion] Designation: 75th Infantry Battalion Structure: Infantry Battalion Specialty: Front line Combat, thick of the thick. Commander/Captain: Commander [hider=Commander Zeta]Number: CT 69-82531 Name: Commander Zeta Rank: Battalion Commander Distinguishing features: Shaved head with a Bushy Beard, the republic logo tattooed on the side of his head. Personality: Zeta is a brilliant tactician with a love for battle. While he cares for the men under his command, he expects them to be ready to pay the ultimate price of battle for the republic. While he doesn't underestimate the droids, he sees them as a vastly inferior force compared to the clones. He has little patience for young arrogant officers or old arrogant officers. He is very honest and humble, but no nonsense as well. [/hider] Major/Lieutenant: Major [hider= Major Ice] Number: 71-867812 Name: Ice Rank: Major Distinguishing features: Ice blue eyes and horizontal scar going across the bridge of his nose. Personality: Spades is an ambitious individual and has many opinions on the state of the army and republic. He believes clones should have more say and more rights than just a soldier. That being said, like many clones he loves to fight and is loyal to the republic. Though a skilled tactician, he often butts heads with the commander on some tactical decisions. His mindset is get the mission done, no matter the cost. An admirable, but cost effective stance in Zeta's eyes. Unlike the Commander, Ice has a tendency to view the clones as drones rather than feeling, thinking soldiers. [/hider] Other Personnel: Captain Pine, Captain Blade, Captain Ryker, Captain Peck. 1st Lieutenant Wing, Sergeant-Major Lazlo, 1st Lieutenant Barrel, Sergeant-Major Ike, 2nd Lieutenant Fang. [/hider]