[center][b][u]Of Dwarves[/u][/b] Before humans were the dominant species in Formaroth, Dwarves use to inhabit four underground cities located across Formaroth. The cities were located in Orog, Thralreth, Ralda and Telmarion. There is next to no written evidence on dwarves, and the only evidence that they existed (other than their abandoned cities) are the tales and legends from ancient, folk lore, and the occasional cave drawing depicting shorter-than-average humans. This suggested that while the dwarves were at their apex, humans were still in their primitive stage. However, while it is clear that the dwarves did exist, it is unclear what happened to them. The dwarves appeared to have disappeared long before humans ruled Formaroth, leaving only their cities behind which are now in a state of ruin. Explorers regularly enter the ancient dwarven cities to look for valuable artifacts which fetch a fair price in the city markets, when they return from their expeditions. Most go in seek of adventure, and to discover the lost secrets to the dwarven cities, long forgotten. Though the cities have experienced a high influx of adventurers, they are majorily cleared of the valuable loot by now. The more advantageous explorers still manage to find artifacts. These artifacts range from rare jewels, gold coins and jewelery, pottery, etc. However, the most valuable find in the dwarven cities is Dwarven Steel. This metal is extremely rare, and very few know how to smelt the metal. No one alive knows the properties of dwarven steel, and while various Alchemists have tried to re-create the steel, it has been to no avail. Dwarven steel is highly prized by noble families, and once the steel is found, it is often melted down into swords. This is for both status reasons and practical reasons. A dwarven, steel sword is near invincible and can cut through armour with ease. In the dwarven city of Valandar (located in Thralreth), only a small portion of the city is accessible. A large amount of the city is believed to be sealed off behind a massive, door made of dwarven steel. Efforts to get past the door, or mine around it have proven to be fruitless. Though some progress has been made, it is believed to have been minor at best. [/center]