Cythlla had spent most of her morning working with some of her underlings on making a new drug trafficking route into the city oh Pheonix. It wasn't until midday that she got a message from one of her underlings. "What's this?" Cythlla said looking at the letter. She had a criminal empire to run and going to something that could be a trap wasn't something easy for her to choose to do. She turned to her underling from her table, holding a fan in front of her face. "I guess I can leave Bob in charge of things for now, I should get to checking this out. Ready my plane." Cythlla said to the underling who brought her the letter. Cythlla was in a sane state of mind at the moment, not many would even know she was connected to Cthulhu if it weren't for green kimono with an octopus design near the bottom. After a rather boring flight with a delay due to weather she finally ended up at her destination. She arrived to the luncheon a bit late. But she figured that if she was going to be late she may as well create an entrance. She was fully prepared for this being a trap. As she opened the doors she flung out her arms, small portals appeared next to her summoning a few tentacles out of mid air. [h3]"I'm not one to walk right into a trap you know! Atleast not before making this my own trap!"[/h3] Cythlla exclaimed. She had a few of her underlings with her as well. Cythlla had a crazed look on her face. Using her powers often made her go into a state of insanity, but currently it was only mild insanity. "So who's in charge here? Who do I need to kill?" Cythlla asked with a toothy grin. She had almost no idea as to what was going on.