Ana had made her way outside while the others discussed the plans, mostly just to get away from them all. It wasn't that she didn't like them... They were all just too [i]good[/i] for her tastes. She pulled out her lighter, the intricately engraved AC on the side a bright silver beacon to thieves, and then pulled out yet another cigar. At this rate, she'd be out before the week was over. With a flick of her thumb, the butt was lit, the paper flaring up before shrinking down into a dull orange glow. The lighter was shoved back into her coat pocket, right next to her gun. Her back pressed against the wall of the old building, the wood creaking beneath her weight. Her eyes lowered until they were nearly closed, going into a small half-sleep, swaying in and out while the smoke entered her lungs and back out her mouth with every other breath. Of course, this didn't exactly last long as the others weren't particularly quiet with their exit. She was about to follow them, though she didn't see the extra alien they had brought back. Her brow raised, and she kept her back to the wall and peaked around the corner until they were gone, and hurried back inside. Just as she had suspected, the one that had been spying on them was in fact still there, sleeping in the corner where they'd left her. Never being one for tact, she stepped up to the sleeping alien and kicked her in the leg. Arus let out a little mumble and stirred, blinking slowly as she looked around at her surroundings. In the back of her mind, Sura stirred slightly, but made no move to do anything, as if going back to sleep. Before she could become panicked, Ana raised a hand to quiet her. "You aren't in danger," Ana assured the alien, giving her a calm look. "If they wanted you dead, you would be. They even let you keep your gun, see?" She motioned with her free hand to Arus, who checked the holster on her thigh. And, just as the human had said, her Neran was in its holster. With some help from Ana, Arus got to her feet, and Ana explained that the others had headed out to see some doctor in the slums. She'd caught that much. Arus knew the one - some of the thugs she hadn't killed had been sent to him, only to be killed a few days later. Ana smirked; it was nice to see someone who didn't put up with shit. Even if she was fucked in the head, Arus was already a bit more tolerable than most of the others. So, the two headed out of the apartment towards the clinic, Ana following close behind Arus, mostly to make sure she didn't bolt. By the look of things, the alien didn't look comfortable in the crowd, and might run at the drop of a pin. She wasn't going to take the heat for that. A little dealing in an alleyway caught her attention, and she stopped Arus with a grab of the alien's arm. The pair looked down the alley, and saw a man in a thick black trenchcoat cornering some woman against the wall. Whether it was a drug deal or a rape or a weapons deal, Ana didn't particularly care. The only thing she saw that she wanted was that coat. With a smirk, she and Arus made their ways towards the shady business in the alley. There was some muffled shouts and the sound of a beating, and Arus emerged with Ana a few steps behind, a large black coat now covering her suit from view, covering her down to the knees. Putting her hands in her pockets, she took a drag from her cigar and blew the side of her mouth. It really was a nice coat. Arus and Ana showed up at the clinic just as the scarred nurse entered from the back. With a small explanation, Arus was permitted in, though Ana was made to stay out, due to her smoking. With an annoyed look, she took a little object from her suit-jacket, snipped off the burning end of the cigar, stomped it out, and replaced the still long log back into its case. She'd have to finish it up later. A few moments after Arus, Ana entered. "Tad crowded back here," she muttered, sounding clearer without something hindering her mouth.