[@Skallagrim]If Zande doesn't throw the axe and just lands behind Tanya, she reaches the dagger and we both die anyways. Zande because one wound will remove his soul, and Tanya because she is bound by Rules Snake not to use a weapon under penalty of death. On the other hand Empty mentioned that the binding circle on the floor was the last one Tanya had enough magic in her to make, and so if she doesn't grab the dagger Zande will just turn around and hack her into mincemeat. I know there's a running theme about the "last four posts" going on here, but I only said that on a whim at the time since I figured the match would at the least be decided as a draw. We'd need to go back six posts I'd say, since that was the point where either character could one-shot the other without having any supreme advantage.