[h3]Jack Orpheus | Brewing Storm Mission[/h3] Their ranged fighters were at a disadvantage in the low light, but if their melee fighters could create a zone from which they can fire from, they can handily get through this. Their red glowing eyes would give their position away, but they would shift quickly, becoming a red blur in the shadows while tilting inhumanly before they emerged and attacked. Jack had no problems, as he was able to react quickly enough to counter-attack as they flew at him. Though their strength did not seem to be stealth or element of surprise here as he realized... It was numbers, and who knows how many of them there were. [color=steelblue]"We need to keep moving, we can't stay here and just fight"[/color], he suggested, after kicking another away. [color=steelblue]"Someone with strength take point, I'll cover your back. Everyone else watch our flanks and rear"[/color], it was a plan. But they had to move fast, otherwise they would be overrun.