[quote=@Hael] See, that's the thing, I was making my sheet based off of the devices simply multiplying the PSI power of my race, so that they could more easily control whoever had the implants. But it's no problem :lol, I was just making conversation cause this thread has been moving slowly lately. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge if we come to it [/quote] Then the clones may the be the only one who can stop the borg! :P ~~ - Name: Genetic Understanding - Category: Biology - Effects: You've mapped out not only the raw contents of your species's genetic code, but also what it means. The algorithms created in the process allow relatively quick understanding of other species's, given broad enough samples. You've probably advanced medicine by a lot. Horray? - Post Count: 10 - Name: Genetic Mastery - Category: Biology - Effects: You've started to improve on your species, increasing their strengths or perhaps minimizing their weaknesses. Or, you might create vile species-specific biological weapons, or create species to serve as weapons or labor. - Post Count: 20 + 10 per previous time this has been researched. - Pre-Requisites: Genetic Understanding + Other: This can be taken up to four times, each time mastering a different part of Genetics. Increasing their strengths can be done twice, if your race didn't have any major initial weaknesses. For example, I intend on taking Increasing Strengths, twice, once to bump up my race from "Psi-Resistant" to flat out "Psi-Immune", and other time to give them "genetic memories" allowing each clone to possess the best and most useful memories from his forbears. This would cost 20 + 30 Posts to achieve (assuming I have Genetic Understanding).