[quote=@WilsonTurner] Well that's poop. [/quote] I've never seen anything described better than this before. Poop. (Also, since I had such a long hiatus, I felt I should probably start on RPG anew, so if you all need anything, I'm probably solely going to use this account. [Though, [@Undine] I'm kind of still subscribed to Caelbury Academy because I love it too much. ;3;] So, if you guys need anything just tag me HalfOfLancelot. In the process of hashing out ideas with Miso Soup, so if anyone would like to join, just shoot either one of us a PM. :o I'll add you to a new PM or something of that kind, if you want to join in the process too. Or to the one we're currently talking in. I don't know if that's possible, though.) EDIT: Okay, so I can't add people to an existing conversation *cough* So, if you'd like to help out or add your input or anything of the like, just throw me either a PM or something in here and I'll grab a list of individuals and start a new PM? I dunno. Lol. I just seem very chaotic and disorganized; I am in fact a stickler for keeping things well in their place. In terms of like what's going on in the plot, putting everything together in one, easy to see spot. I just like things easy to navigate. I may talk like I have no idea what I'm doing, but I at least have a semblance of how to do things. I hope. Oh God. NO.