[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/hawkeye-portal-banner_zpsrrsk7w9n.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Clint Barton[/b] | [b]Barbara Morse[/b][/center] Hawkeye scaled up the side of a building, with Mockingbird following not far behind. Recently, S.H.I.E.L.D. had received some intel that there was a hidden A.I.M. base lurking in this building. It was up to Hawkeye’s team to neutralize this potential threat. You never know what these mad scientists could be up to that could appear as a threat towards national (or even international) security. While he pulled himself up the rope on which he was suspended, Hawkeye heard a quiet ring in his earpiece. Who in the world could be calling at this moment? Doesn’t his superiors back at S.H.I.E.L.D. know that he and his team were on a stealth mission and this kind of distraction could be costly? Not only could it distract Hawkeye and his agents, but the A.I.M. scientists could possibly pick up, which would result in their cover being blown. All because of one phone call. Therefore, Hawkeye decided to ignore the ringing in his ear, hoping that it would eventually stop. However, it did not stop. With each step up the side of the building, that small, annoying noise kept ringing in his ear. Eventually, Hawkeye decided to pause for a moment and make a quick answer to whoever is calling at the moment. While he kept one hand on the rope, Clint clicked his earpiece in order to open up a channel of communication to the caller. “Can’t talk. Kind of climbing here.” Hawkeye answered the call. He hoped that this would let whoever was calling him know his situation. Unfortunately, the ringing kept coming. This caused Clint to increase his climbing speed so that he could reach the top of the roof and answer this call. “What’s your problem?” Clint asked once he had reached level ground and had activated his earpiece, “You know that we are on a delicate stealth mission, right? We’re about ready to infiltrate this A.I.M. hive and we don’t need any distractions!”