[center][b]Shop Updates[/b] First of all: I am no longer offering my drawing services. After I finish the request for WilsonTurner I will be taking no more hand-drawing requests until further notice. My hands are increasingly shaky lately and I don't know why and I'm trying to figure that out before I do any more drawing because, well, shaky hands make wobbly lines which makes drawings turn out weird. Until I get myself sorted out I encourage you all to check out my friend [@Orynae]'s [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/88949-orys-little-shop-of-character-art/ooc]Little Shop of Character Art[/url]. She does a much better job than I do, anyway. Secondly: It's finals week, which means crunch time for me. I will see you all on the flip side-- just kidding. Seriously though. Know that I am still working, just... school. I have to focus on school. All requests that are currently outstanding and any requests that are made within the next week will be completed over Christmas break, though likely not before then. Thank you for your patience and understanding.[/center]