[center][img]https://fanart.tv/api/download.php?type=download&image=7219§ion=1[/img][/center] [center][b]Peter Parker[/b] | [b]Bobby Drake[/b] | [b]Scott Summers[/b] | [b]Piotr Rasputin[/b] | [b]Pietro Maximoff[/b][/center] Before the X-Men team and Spider-Man even attempted to break into the local Brand Corporation factory, Cyclops drew up a plan in order to make sure that this little operation would succeed without any problems. While they could probably use brute force in order to gain access into the factory so that they could free their two friends and allies, such a tactic would be a media fiasco. Having the media labeling this as a mutant terrorist attack would be counter-productive to Professor Xavier’s dream of peace and equality between normal humans and mutants. Instead, they needed to take a more delicate approach. Normally, the X-Men would have had either Hank toss the X-Men over a barrier or Jean use her telekinetic powers to lift them over the obstacle. However, since neither of them were present, Cyclops needed to improvise. He decided the best way to get past the first wave of security would be to have Spider-Man create weblines that would allow the X-Men to climb over the tall fence that protected the perimeter of the factory’s premise. Once they were one the factory’s grounds, the small group of superhumans made their way to the factory proper, using the cover of darkness to hide themselves from the guards. Professor Xavier’s telepathic abilities, whose range was increased by Cerebro, also came in handy, making the guards think they saw nothing if they were looking directly at any of his X-Men or Spider-Man Again, when they had reached the factory itself, the X-Men used Spider-Man’s weblines to scale up the building to one of the upper level floors. “Okay, Professor, we’ve made it into the factory. A little assistance getting past the guards would be nice.” Cyclops, with his voice lowered so that he might not alert any nearby guards, talked into his communicator. “Don’t worry, Scott. The kidnapers of Angelica and Kurt will not know what has hit them.” Xavier telepathically communicated with this team of X-Men (and Spider-Man). “I cannot lie, but I don’t think I’ll ever get use to someone talking in my head like that.” Spider-Man whispered. However, Cyclops ignored Peter’s comment about Xavier’s telepathy and began to walk down one of the corridors, following a hand-held, holographic map of the factory’s building plan. After navigating through this labyrinth of a factory, the five men finally arrived on the upper level of an enormous room. The top level, where Spider-Man and the X-Men were, was fenced in by a guardrail. Below them, the perimeter of the room was filled with computers and lab equipment. But in the center was a giant glass cylinder that contained what looked like a green liquid. “Lead them in here!” A man, who was called Herbert Landon, although this fact was not obvious to the five superhumans hiding above, shouted out while he was entering into the room. Behind Landon followed four men, who themselves were leading both Firestar and Nightcrawler. The two captive X-Men had their arms shackled behind their backs and they had some kind of collar like device that was wrapped around their necks. From there, the men, who seemed to belong to the Maggia, probably Silvermane’s branch, threw the two mutants into individual cages that had a wire attached from the ceiling. Once Firestar and Nightcrawler had been detained in these cages, these steel prisons began to rise up into the air, at a height just a little bit higher up than the top edge of the giant, glass cylinder. Now Cyclops knew that time was of the essence now. While Scott did not know what that green liquid would do to Angelica or Kurt, he could deduce one thing: it could not be good at all. “Alright, Quicksilver, I need you to disarm all the guards down there and make sure that if more come that they cannot turn their weapons against us. Spider-Man, Iceman, make sure those cages don’t get to that tank! Colossus, we’re going to need an escape route ASAP! They are going to know that we are here, so there is no need for any more subtlety. I’ll provide support fire from up here.” Spider-Man leaped from the upper level of the room and shot out a webline. He swung over towards the cage in which Firestar was being held. However, before he landed on the cage, Peter felt his spider-sense buzzing like crazy. At the last second, Peter veered to the side so that he would miss the cage. As he passed the metallic cage, Spider-Man shot a few web pellets at the cage. When the silk struck the cage, it immediately started to sizzle, revealing that something was affecting the metallic prison. “Hey, guys! I recommend not touching those bars!”