[b][@axleonex][/b] [b][color=00aeef]Juliet turned quickly at the sound of the door opening. "Hello. No this is my room or at least the paperwork says it is and I certainly do hope so since I am like halfway unpacking... I think... maybe... But where are my manners! My name is Juliet and I just arrived a couple hours ago." Juliet looked around as if she was absent minded but was actually looking for Genie. She smiled and picked up the lamp to set it on her bed. "May I ask your name?" [/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24] [b][color=ed1c24]Magicka was attempting to read the map once more- this time upside right. She turned to glare at Ratface and spoke slightly unkindly to him. "Why didn't you tell me that I was reading the map upside down, Ratface? I didn't give you the gift of speech for nothing. Which I am getting at the moment since that bank job was bungled by those Beagle Boys. I shouldn't have listened to them. I shouldn't have used a raven for an assistant. But no I " Magicka was well on her way to a long string of insults when she was interrupted by Ratface.[/color][/b] [color=92278f][b]"Pardon me but isn't that the place you are looking for?" he asked as he glided next to Magicka.[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]Magicka looked down to the building they were coming up on. "Why yes it is indeed! Perhaps I will spare you the rest of the lecture since you pointed the Academy out. I am so exhausted. You should have it memorized by now anyways." she spoke as if she wanted the raven to say something but[/b][/color][color=92278f] Ratface was to clever to say anything and had by now fell behind the broomstick where he was suppose to be.[/color] [/color][/b]