[i]Well, that’s an interesting experiment to be tried later’[/i] Kuro thinks to himself, his mind going over the options of how one would manage to bathe while in another’s lap. The images that float to the surface are in no way innocent and he gently pushes them aside, reminding himself that things are still very on the fence and the angel likely unsure as he is about where they stand now. A chuckle finds it’s way out of the collapsed demon as he hears Aoba worrying over Homura and giving him positive reinforcement. [i]’So cute!’[/i] He turns his head slightly to see Homura’s reaction. The blind demon looks at Aoba with slightly wider eyes than usual and is trying to decide if the angel is teasing him. [i]’It was just some simple healing, does he really think I would have such problems? Does he really think I so weak?’[/i] He thinks for a long moment, then scowls. [i]’No, he’s not that foolish. Issho may terrify him more, but he would never use cheek with me, would he?’[/i] The furious thoughts racing behind those white eyes are clear as day to the eldest brother and in a soft voice he murmurs to Aoba, “Homura is quite powerful. Even if his subject is as powerful as this Little Black Storm Cloud he will be fine.” He nods. “Worry over a demon becoming weak or tired is disrespectful, but you did not know. Now you do.” There is no reproach in his voice and as he looks at Aoba he gives him an understanding look before turning his eyes on to the white, staring eyes that are surveying him carefully. He doesn’t know what Homura is looking for, but not wanting to waste any more time he lets out a sigh and gets to his feet. Gathering up the still thrashing Dani, Issho helps Homura to his feet before looking at Aoba seriously. “Will you be able to handle him on your own?” With a grunt Kuro finally moves, turning his head so he can see Issho. “That was so a backhanded way of calling me tired and weak brother.” Ishoo looks back at Kuro and simply raises an eyebrow before turning his gaze once more onto Aoba. Before the angel can answer however Kuro sighs and carefully begins climbing to his feet. [i]’If he’s going to go ahead and tell him about the custom of strength pervasive all over hell, I’d better at least pretend to be strong. . .’[/i] Shaking his head to clear away some of the cobwebs he hugs on Aoba happily once the smaller male is on his feet before playfully sweeping the angel off his feet and holding him bridal style, looking down at him with a grin. Shaking his own head Issho inclines his head slightly to say good bye, Dani now limp and pouty in his arms, and with a touch to his amulet he opens a portal to hell. Ignoring his faint whiny objections Issho draws Homura along behind him, giving the silver haired man just enough time to wave good bye before he vanishes into the swirling vortex. Once that too vanishes the two are left in the twilight of the evening and Kuro sighs happily, finally alone with his Little Mouse. [i]’Well, nearly alone’[/i] he muses, looking over at Kyou who, while not quite as terrified as before, is still cowering at the base of the tree. With a growl and a snap he send the demon scuttling off to the barn and then, smiling, his gaze falls on Aoba’s delicate face and he sighs happily, a faint smile on his lips.