Nia was one of the newest arrivals in the Academy before things went south, and she was sure that she’d make up for the loss in any way she could. That being said she was sure that just her alone could rebuild the entire team, but that didn’t mean that her go-getter attitude wouldn’t help She was inside her rather spacious room practicing her abilities. As a telekinetic, she could move things with just her mind and at the moment she was training her muscle memory, telekinetically. As she was lying in bed while ten iron, balls were flying the air simultaneously. Each ball was black, and weighed around 10 pounds each. The goal of the training was to juggle them in the air without touching each other, without letting them drop, all without focusing on them too much. The idea was too make it reflexive and natural. She’s been doing this for hours now though so she was feeling tired. Feeling famished, Nia stood up and out of the bead and headed to the mess hall in the academy. It was weird calling it an Academy anymore since there weren’t a lot of them left. When Braniac did what he did a lot of the would-be Legionnaires left. It was an understandable thing seeing as the senior legion members died essentially leaving the more inexperienced trainees by themselves. There were only three from the main legion left and even though cosmic boy was one of them he wasn’t enough to gather more people. The few that stayed behind were the ones that really wanted to be here. The iron balls were still floating about and circling her like a halo, her code name. Just because she was about go and eat that didn’t mean she should stop training. Gotta keep in shape after all she chimed in her head. Without so much as a thought she let her mind do it’s thing and pulled out a chair for herself. The blue greenish order screen popped up the moment she sat down and began scrolling through the menu. To be honest she wanted to make her own food since having robots do it seemed a little impersonal, but she settled on having a pasta with a slice of French toast on the side. It was a bit of an inappropriate meal for this time of the day, but she kept on eating anyway, and made sure that the iron balls were still floating and dancing away around her.