I know walls of text are unattractive, so I'll try to avoid that, but I also don't feel like simply rattling off a list of pairings. In fact, if you're looking for simple predetermined pairings, you're probably in the wrong place. I will instead be telling you a bit about myself as a roleplayer and then offer up some of my interests. So, here goes... [hr] [quote=1/1/2016] [i]I'm in the middle of a long work week, but I'm still searching for more partners! I won't be around as often as I normally am, but don't let that stop you from hitting me up. Hopefully I will have more ideas to add to my plot section soon, but until then I look forward to seeing what you all can do with what I already have or you can come up with yourselves. Message me if you're interested, I tend to miss posts here unless I specifically go looking for them.[/i] [/quote] [hr] [b]About Myself[/b] Let's start simple. If you read the tag, you probably already know I'm most comfortable at the casual level. For me that means two paragraphs of decent length on average, and up to four or five when I feel wordy. That said I love to read, so if you don't mind comparatively small replies, bring on the text walls. I'm big on grammar and spelling, but have mostly learned to read around mistakes. We all make them. Pacing is going to depend on a lot of things. Mostly, it'll be how busy I am replying to other things. At the very least you should be able to expect one post from me daily. Most of the time it should be more, and occasionally I will miss a day. That's just how it goes. I generally wait about a week without any sort of response before assuming I've been dropped. I live in the US and have a night job. This typically means I'm on in the mornings and evenings, and often overnight if I'm not working. In fact, the initial reason for me returning to RPG was not having enough to do on my nights off. While I am not opposed to mature content, I'm also not actively seeking it out. It is certainly something that should be discussed beforehand, and should not take over the whole RP. Overall, I will match what my partner gives me. The darker/gorier/raunchier/sexier you get, the more you'll see from me. Also, curse away. I often have difficulty not doing so for some of my characters, and you're not going to offend me. You're also not going to hurt my feelings if you tell me that something I've written is too much for you, and I'll try to step it down. I am male, and usually play male characters. This doesn't mean I [i]only[/i] play male characters. For the most part, I just lack experience with female characters and they tend to be my alt when I do double up. I have no qualms about playing with other male characters, but if yours tries to get romantic with mine, expect things to take a more comedic turn and make sure they can handle rejection (or not, this can also be interesting). I don't double up often, but I am willing to. Mostly, I don't have much experience running two characters in an RP with only two people. If I'm letting one lag behind or fall off, punch me or something. I prefer to use PMs, but will do a thread if asked. Aside from the occasional collaborative post, I never take things off-site. I try to take it easy out of character, and expect to hear criticism if you read something you don't like. We can't make this fun for both of us if we don't cooperate. And it's not like I'm going to hunt you down if you abandon me, but I would prefer if you let me know once you've become disinterested or if you need to take a break. Life happens. [b]What I Like[/b] In general, I'll give just about anything a good bit of thought before I decide yea or nay, but it doesn't do me any good to have you blind to my interests. In the next post, you'll find plots I may be interested in as well as some information on some of my past characters, to give you an idea of who/what I like to play. I love fantasy in (almost) all its forms. Gritty and dark worlds (both modern and archaic) full of supernatural monsters capture my attention just as much as swords and sorcery epics. When it comes to Sci-Fi, however, my interests are fairly narrow. I like Firefly, and that's about it. As long as both (or all four) characters are interesting, I quite like a simple slice of life RP, with or without fantasy elements. Survival situations are fun too, my favorite being a zombie outbreak in just about any time period/world without guns and potentially with magic. I stated above that I like most things to have an element of romance, and the same tends to be true of action. I get bored if things stay the same pace all the time so don't be afraid to twist our plot to your liking, so long as things don't get too insane. I'm not entirely against intrigue and subterfuge plots, but don't be surprised if I occasionally interject something a little more immediately exciting. As far as fandoms go, I only play OCs. I just don't like the feeling of writing for an already established character that isn't mine. Sorry. There are also few things I am a fan of that I would want to play something based off of. I'm going to use a list here, because it may change from time to time. Things I am particularly interested in will be [i]italicized[/i], and if I have an idea in mind it will be[b] bold[/b]. [i]-RWBY[/i] [b]-Firefly[/b] -Halo -Black Butler -World of Darkness (White Wolf publications) -Dresden Files -Codex Alera [i]-Sword Art Online[/i] [hr] Well, that's all for now. If you made it through all that and are still interested in playing with me, shoot me a PM. Or post here, which will probably just result in me shooting you. A PM, that is.