[hider=Character Sheet] [center][h3][color=0054a6]Caestus/Cestus[/color][/h3] “Not right now!” -Cestus [/center] [center][color=0054a6]T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=0054a6]Full name [/color] Hektor Crucius Tal [color=0054a6]Birth Date[/color] 10.12.2322 [color=0054a6]Age[/color] 34 [color=0054a6]Species[/color] Human [color=0054a6]Gender[/color] Male [/center] [center][color=0054a6]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [hider=physical appearance][img] http://www.blackfilm.com/read/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/How-To-Get-Away-With-Murder-cast-Charlie-Weber.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=outfit][img] http://pre08.deviantart.net/f27d/th/pre/i/2012/203/5/7/dark_potential___corporation___commando_by_mikeypetrov-d586gas.jpg [/img][/hider] [color=0054a6]In Depth Appearance[/color] Cestus is of a fair complexion, slightly taller than average, brawny and well built. He has deep green eyes (one is bionic), a chiseled jaw covered by a well groomed beard and wavy medium-length brown hair that he keeps slicked back. His clothing usually consists of the standard security detail uniform but with short sleeves instead of the usual full arm, a flak jacket, elbow protectors, tall military boots, a multi-use belt, and the standard beret. Cestus also wears an advanced eye patch with a broad strap and a lens in deep black over his regular eye. The eye patch has a built in infrascope and range finder while his bionic eye is a replica of the regular one but with augmented senses and a motion tracker. [color=0054a6]Scars, Tattoos, Piercings[/color] Cestus’ torso, arms, and legs are full of scar tissue due to his unfortunate time in the Rikari pits but the only notable one is the Rikari slave branding on his ankle. In his head he has just a small scar behind the bionic eye from the time he lost it. Tattoo wise the human has four, a big trident on his left arm as it is the symbol for his religion, his mother’s name on the collarbone, the symbol of his former association on the hip, and an official imperial liberation statement on top of the brand on the ankle. [/center] [center][color=0054a6]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E [/color] [color=0054a6]Job[/color] Loadmaster/Security/Cook [color=0054a6]Likes & Dislikes[/color] ✔ Cooking ✔ Women ✔ Credits ✔ Smooth operations ✘ Pits ✘ Hyperspace ✘ Infighting ✘ Complications [color=0054a6]Habits[/color] Cestus is a top of the line procrastinator and heavy smoker with a tendency to double check everything when he actually decides to work. Besides this gambling may be the biggest of his flaws as he has developed the habit of overspending when on the tables which can cause him lots of trouble. [color=0054a6]Fears[/color] ☠ Swimming ☠ Torture [/center] [center][color=0054a6]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=0054a6]Personality[/color] ♦Honest ♦ Lazy ♦ Careful ♦ Flexible ♦ Cestus is typically a laid-back individual, and does not get himself involved in things unless absolutely necessary. When expressing himself he is the realest person one can ever meet, the ex-gladiator dislikes sugarcoating his intentions and gets straight to the point not caring too much if the opinion is offensive or hard. To help overcome any companion’s trouble he would prefer to attempt to use bribery and outright trickery and manipulate them into doing what was best for them instead of the more heartwarming and talkative approach most would approach. He may come off as rude sometimes but his intentions are always the best. [color=0054a6]Place of Origin[/color] Earth’s moon. [color=0054a6]History[/color] All of the Moon’s habitants have a reputation for being tough bastards. Indeed, the natural satellite is renowned for being one of the most hellish places in the galaxy due to its overpopulation and all too known criminal problems as you either live rich and on the safe part or on the slums where humans have to learn to shoot before they can walk to survive. Criminals and bodyguards have a well-deserved reputation for being tough, cunning, hard to kill and crafty. Unfortunately backstabbing is also very common in these slums. Hektor was born to a criminal underboss’ family in those slums. For most of his youth he was a renowned muscle, being employed by his family to enforce situations when just a teen and a prodigy on the underground boxing so common in those places. But as most syndicates on those parts his family’s influence and power were all cut and subsequently the members either joined other groups, were killed, escaped, or captured and sold as slaves to the Rikari. Hektor fell into the latter. His reputation as a skilled fighter made the slavers advertise him as a fighter and at the age of only eighteen he had been sold to a very wealthy pit gambler. Before his first fight he chose the Caestus as his weapon and thus he was renamed Cestus for his master’s simplicity. In that fight a confused Cestus managed to win but lost his eye in the process. His master would replace it with a crude bionic and promised to give him a top of the line one if the gladiator managed to survive. It would take him his sanity and seven agonizing years of death and fighting but eventually the human had gained enough prestige to win himself a top of the line eye. He reluctantly continued that way of life as he had nowhere to run or another place to go to for another year. During that year he got badly injured and as he was the master’s favorite and most efficient fighter was given rest on his sons’ personal property. There he met and befriended the master’s two sons and daughter who taught him how to cook with great skill as he became a regular slave for a while. Eventually the daughter would grow an interest on him and start a physical relationship. It looked like he would stay there for a long time but fearing repercussions for herself and ashamed of what she had done the daughter sent Cestus back to the pits but thanks to divine intervention he would be freed before reaching the arena. His master had been arrested for fraud and all of possessions confiscated. As law stated the government couldn’t own slaves they were all officially and legally released. Cestus quickly made his way back to the moon after a year worth of finding his true self due to the traumatizing experience had had lived. Once back on his homeland he would open a restaurant which he named the iron fist but after being caught in debt several times due to him gambling away the lease money he had to sell his equipment and dream and started to work again in the security business, helping caravan traders and the likes handle and transport their goods efficiently and safely without fear of pirates. Currently Cestus offers both services combined as well as the role of loadmaster (In charge of the cargo loading/unloading operations. Also keeps track of the ship's stores) at a decent price for the variability he offers. [color=0054a6]Extra[/color] He uses his combat knife both to cook and fight. [/center] [/hider]