[hider=Victor Calahan] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Victor Calahan (Known as Mr.Wildfire, Man on Fire, etc)[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance & Attire:[/b] [indent] Victor is an older teenager of fairly average size. He is 5’10” and weighs about 135 lbs. He isn’t particularly muscular, with limbs that aren’t overly toned and a slight bulge at his abdomen, a symptom of dorm food. He is somewhat lanky, not quite all the way grown into his body, and has somewhat long legs for his build. His skin is pale and is occasionally dotted with freckles. The first thing that people generally notice about Victor is his left arm. His arm is sort-of-kind-of-not-really prosthetic, and is the result of a combination of a bad car accident and his powers. His arm is made entirely out of wood, but instead of being solid, it is broken up into twigs, chips, pieces of bark, the types of things that you’d see burning in a campfire. The arm is molded to have the exact same shape as a human arm, with no twigs or pieces of bark sticking out at odd angles to disrupt its shape. What really catches people’s eyes, though, is that the arm is on fire. It is constantly burning, either with visible flames or with a very soft red glow emanating from the inside. When Victor uses his powers, his prosthetic arm erupts into flames. This is the only major spot of this wood currently on his body, though small burns on the left side of his face, his right foot, and his left pectoral show that it could soon begin to spread. When Victor has to go near water, he can detach this wooden arm just like it is a prosthetic limb. Victor’s face is somewhat rectangular, long with a wide jawline. He has a well-groomed beard, thick at his chin, and then following his jawline up to his hair. His hair is a very dark brown, almost black, and is quite long, coming down to the base of his neck. His hair is generally combed back out of his face, and he takes quite good care of it. His teeth are somewhat crowded in the front, a sign that he never had braces (he has quite good reason for that). He has thick eyebrows and olive green eyes that look calm and placid. There are three small burn marks on the left side of his face, one concealed by his beard, one on the middle of his cheek, and one near his left sideburn. His left eye always looks a little red, like there is smoke in it. He speaks with a slight southern drawl, as he is from southern Virginia, though years of living farther north have made this fairly faint. [b]Attire:[/b]Fire-retardant. Literally, due to his arm, everything that Victor wears is made custom to be fireproof. Because of this (and because of his super-high body temperature), Victor usually wears muscle shirts (keeping his arm uncovered), fire-retardant jeans, and Timberland boots. When it gets very cold, Victor wears a beige jacket made of the same fire-retardant materials that firefighters use. [/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Victor’s the outdoorsy type. He is an eagle scout, good with survival skills (he’s extra good at fire-making). He’s a really good cook as well (puns puns punssss). He doesn’t know any form of combat, and has never wanted to learn. [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Victor was born in a suburb of Richmond. His family was quite wealthy, his father a well-known medical malpractice lawyer and his mother was a college political science professor at VCU. Growing up, he went to a good private school in the suburbs with his sister Casey. His childhood was fairly normal. He was somewhat antisocial, and was bullied a good bit in elementary and middle school. When he was in 7th grade, his sister’s power manifested and, as the Richmond community was extremely anti-meta, the family moved to Black Fall, PA, a large metahuman city in Pennsylvania.. He went to high school in Black Fall, and for many years it seemed as if he had no powers. Then his powers manifested in a very interesting way (that I will reveal via flashback later in the rp!) Local NEST forces registered Victor as a meta and suggested to the family that they send their son and daughter to Academy 218, a school where metahumans could learn to use their powers. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT] Elemental/Super System[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT] [b][i]Living Wildfire:[/i][/b] Essentially, Victor is a walking wildfire. He has the ability to create and (limitedly) manipulate fire. He can control the temperature of his fire, and his blasts range from 100º celsius to nearly 700º celsius (1292º F), though he cannot sustain a blast that hot for more than a single fireball. His powers stem from parts of his body which are made of wood, so at present his left arm. The more Victor uses his powers, the more of his body is consumed by his inner fire and is replaced by wood or any other kind of flammable material around him. The more Victor becomes made of burning material, the stronger his fire powers get and the more durable he becomes. If Victor is using his powers near flammable material, that material is telekinetically torn into small pieces and drawn to him to replace whatever mass he loses. Because of this, any part of Victor’s body which is made out of wood is quazi-immune to physical damage, as if it is damaged, it can put itself back together. If any part of Victor’s body which is made of wood is severed from him, he can just put it back on and it will work just as it did before. Any physical damage which Victor sustains can be replaced with wood. In addition to being able to regenerate by replacing parts of his body and using fire, Victor is immune to heat up to 400ºFahrenheit. This is because his cell walls are extra-compressed, preventing excessive evaporation due to heat, and his enzymes are designed to work optimally at far above human body temperature. Victor’s presence also naturally dries out everything within about five feet of him, causing wood and other flammable materials around him to lose water rapidly (though this is not enough to harm a human, just make them sweat a lot). [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Fire needs three things in order to burn: fuel, oxygen, and heat. The one of these which is a limit to Victor (the other two are weaknesses) is fuel. In order for Victor to be able to regenerate, he requires nearby flammable material which Victor can telekinetically draw to himself. If Victor is placed in an environment where he has no nearby flammable material, he cannot regenerate and, after a while, will lose his fire powers (as his wooden limbs will burn themselves away). Also, the hotter Victor’s fires burn, the more fuel he uses, so if his fires get hotter he needs more fuel nearby. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT] Firstly, water. This should be obvious to most people, but fire tends to be weak to water. While small quantities of water (ie, rain) do not damage Victor, large quantities of water can douse his flames, removing his powers. If he gets to the point where any vital organ is made of burning wood, then large amounts of water will cause that organ to shut down. Fire-dousing chemicals like what you’d get out of a fire extinguisher will also damage him and, because it dries slower, prevents him from using his powers for longer than just water does. Victor also cannot incorporate soaked wood into his body, and cannot telekinetically move wet wood. It is important to note here that Victor cannot actually telekinetically use wood in an offensive or defensive way. He can only subconsciously draw flammable objects to himself. He cannot use flesh as well. Victor can also be defeated if he runs out of oxygen. Fire consumes oxygen rapidly, so if you lock him in a sealed room, he will burn through his oxygen supply quicker than a normal human. His smell also makes him very easy to track using scent metas, and his irregular brain waves make him obvious to psychics. In addition to this, Victor’s regeneration and fire powers have a more sinister effect. You see, the more Victor replaces his body and becomes a giant walking bonfire, the more aggressive he becomes. As Victor’s body becomes more artificial, he slowly begins to lose his mind. Though his powers become stronger as he becomes more wooden, he also loses control over his powers and he starts to become hyper-aggressive. Because of this, Victor is trying to find a way to control his powers in such a way that he doesn’t burn himself down and lose control entirely. [/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Michael Calahan: Father (deceased) Joyce Calahan: Mother Casey Calahan: Sister [/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent]Basically your character's relationship with other characters. [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} | [b] Casey Calahan[/b] | [b] Good[/b] | [b] Sibling [/b] | “We’ve had our fights certainly, but in the end, I know that Casey will always be there to kick ass if I need her. She’s a good sister.” | [/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*]Anything else? You can put personality tidbits here. [/list] [hider][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfXPIwQAMOU[/youtube][/hider][/hider]