[@Cuccoruler] Cesare seemed unfazed by the entrance, something you picked up from working with supervillains. "I'm in charge, and I would prefer you didn't kill me, at least not until you hear me out." He brushed imaginary dust from his lapel, before sighing and moving on. "I have gathered each of you here today because you all possess singular experience in fighting a member of The Coalition- in your case, Sixgun. My proposal is that we all work together to defeat The Coalition. The thirteen of you combined with the money and connections of the organization I represent should be up to the task. However, a great deal of prepatory work is required before we can directly combat the heroes. Accordingly, I am delegating three tasks to all of you: an arms purchase, a meeting with an information broker, and intimidating a local drug lord into joining our campaign against The Coalition." Cesare poured himself yet another cup of coffee. "Are there any further questions?"