[i][h3]Kori, Queen of Barcea[/h3][/i] At Shadar's very sudden and [i]very[/i] loud laugh, the Queen blinked several times in surprise. She simply turned to face him fully as she stood at the fountain, watching and waiting out the practical explosion of laughter. Her head tilted ever slightly as she listened to what Shadar had to say about recognition for both himself and his brother. Considering his want and need for secrecy, what he said made sense. Perhaps, though both the brothers' beginnings and situation were unique, maybe what Shadar wanted wasn't so different. She had no idea how many Divineborn there really were, and how many lived out their lives quietly. She had to try not to think of it as unfortunate that Shadar's choice was anonymity. Seeing as he had no desire to be a tyrant, it gave her hope that he would have been able to do so much if he were to choose... But he chose instead not to, and the Queen would be certain to respect that. Being unable to choose one's fate, after all, was a terrible curse. She didn't have a chance to truly finish the conversation with Shadar as it came to its sudden end. Once again blinking as he gave his farewell, she smiled a little as she nodded. "Good evening, Shadar. Rest well." In the next moment, she brought one hand up to cover her eyes as she turned her head away slightly, the light too much for her. Even a few moments after the light seemed to fade she held her gaze away, blinking away the spots that had been briefly burned into her vision from even the initial glance. Only after she lowered her arm did she meet Drosil for the first time. To say he wasn't what she expected was putting it lightly. She expected some sort of difference between the two, seeing as Cyril had clearly been able to recognize Shadar as something other than Drosil... but that could have meant anything. With Shadar's appearance, Kori was almost expecting another massive figure in armor, but Drosil was... relatively normal, despite the the unique twists to his appearance in the form of his hair and eyes. These initial thoughts didn't even take his personality into account however, and when the shift from Shadar to Drosil became so evident, so quickly... The Queen simply couldn't help herself. It was Kori's turn to laugh, though she tried to contain it as best as she could. She was silent for a few moments, but as Drosil finally came to a defeated stop she finally began to chuckle and then laugh in clear, pealing tones. It lasted for a few seconds before she managed to calm herself once again, one hand coming up to gently cover her mouth as she settled down. Her eyes had closed in her mirth, but as her laughter came to a close they opened once more as she lowered her hand and smiled at Drosil. "Please, Drosil, don't harm yourself any more, or think any less of yourself. You were thrust into this suddenly after all, and I can understand your confusion. Just take a moment to collect yourself, I insist." The Queen did not mention that the moment would work in her favor as well. She continued to smile as she moved, once again going to sit down on the opposite end of the bench that Drosil sat upon, watching the fountain briefly as she collected her thoughts once more before she turned to look at him. Unlike Shadar, she would actually be able to see Drosil's expression most of the time. This would be invaluable when it came to conversation. "I already know a little bit about your brother, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about you. You'll have to forgive me for that, and forgive me for asking you to give me a little about yourself when you're ready to. And I'll also ask you the same question that I posed to Shadar that he never quite answered: What will you do next, Drosil?"