[Center][img]http://www.animacity.ru/sites/default/files/users/17961/photo/2015/213/AIKNH-KZuqY.jpg[/img] Co-gm TheWindel The year is 2019, three years ago there was a crisis in Japan, a biological weapon was dropped onto the Kyushu island, and 75% of the population was infected with a virus called Onyx. It was named Onyx by the scientist named Alex Archer, the same scientist that helped create the virus in 2013 for a super soldier program. Many people believed it was an attack and not an accident at all, and was a direct attack from another nation or country. The virus turned most of the people on the island into a monster that Dr.Archer classified as an [url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9auST3uY2JA/mqdefault.jpg]Invalids[/url], they have an extremely thin body with long thin limbs, and giant sharp claws on their hands, they have completely black skin on their bodies and run like animals on all fours, they get stronger and faster at night and hunt down human beings for their flesh like b horror movie zombies or monsters from a H.P lovecraft novel, but more agile and blind like moles. But besides the monsters that plagued the land there are still sane people and uninfected people that survived the biological attack. Along with them there are people infected with the onyx virus, that haven't transformed into invalids, and have gained black blood powers due to their blood type and their genes. They've been dubbed Onxyians by Dr.Archer and the Military. Besides the Invalids that plauge the streets, Hunters also roam the streets of Kyushu, they are a mercenary band that were hired by the J.S.D.F to help take of the situation, they are fearless men and women that roam the streets with odd weaponry to kill Invalids and Onyxians, they are known to be merciless and deadly, they are constantly supplied by the military through supply drops and air drops. Walling off the Kyushi island to make a Quarantine and making a blockade in the ocean the Military try to keep the safety of Japan and the world on their mind while they make sure that only the Hunters cross the Quarantine wall and border. So now the great city of Fukuoka is now mainly populated with flesh eating creatures, Hunters that wish to test their strength and skill against them, and people that want freedom.[/Center] Onyxians: Are people infected with the Onyx virus, they are extremely durable and can use their infected blood to make constructs to attack others or defend themselves against attacks from others, their extremely durable and most are strong, they have the ability to regenerate damaged or dismembered limbs, but need time to regenerate their limbs and heal themselves. Onyxians also have the ability to assimilate hurt and or dying Onyxians to take their powers or abilities, when one Onyxian assimilates another Onyxian, it's almost like Fusion. Hunters: Human beings with almost supernatural skills and abilities that hunt down and Kill Invalids and Onyxians, that is their only real mission, they don't really need to help the people stuck in the Quarantine but some make exceptions. Hunters use many odd weapons and armor to kill Invalids and Onyxians finding the fight fun and challenging, many old Hunters are tough as nails and willing to go toe to toe with anything that gets in their way. Onyx beings: Besides Onyxians and Invalids, other Flora and Fauna have been infected with the Onyx virus mutating them into deadly creatures that are willing to do what ever it takes to either protect themselves or kill whatever get in their line of sight. CSes: Onyxian cs: Name "Your character's name." Epithet/Moniker "Your character's nicknames and, or other Title (can be skipped)." Age "Your character's age " Gender "Your character's gender " Construct " What weapon can you make with your blood ( Only one )" Morality " Good, Bad, Neutral " Appearance "Your character's appearance. Text, Anime pictures, are allowed and if need be both can be used." Personality "Your character's personality. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it. Let it at least a paragraph please" History "Your character's History. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it." Skills "Your character's skills. Place everything worthy of note they can do that's not part of their powers or an effect from their equipment here." Other "Anything not covered by the above." -------------------------------------------------------- Hunter/Survivor Cs: Name "Your character's name." Epithet/Moniker/Code name "Your character's nicknames and, or other Code name (can be skipped)." Age "Your character's age (Hidden or unknown can be used )" Gender "Your character's gender ( hidden or unknown can be used as well )" Morality "Good, Bad, Neutral" Appearance "Your character's appearance. Text, Anime pictures, are allowed and if need be both can be used." Personality "Your character's personality. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it. Let it at least a paragraph please" History "Your character's History. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it." Skills "Your character's skills. Place everything worthy of note they can do that's not part of their powers or an effect from their equipment here." Weapons "Your character's weapons list. Mention only the most important ones, please." Equipment "Your character's equipment list. List only important (non weapon) items here." Other "Anything not covered by the above." -Link to OOC [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89332-onikisu/ooc]Onikisu[/url]