Running through the rainy dark streets occasionally looking back to see if they were still tailing him. And to no surprise...they were still tailing him. Having noticed that he noticed that they were tailing him, they also broke into a sprint now chasing him. The plan that Bishop had thought was simple; get the ancient dagger recently discovered in some very old ruin(speaking about millennia old here), traffic it to another country where one of his hideouts were located and... well, and then study it. The dagger was said to have spiritual properties and whoever or whatever thing was stricken with this knife, its soul would suffer too. The handle rumoured to have a teleportation device implanted, one method of activation required certain words or rather combination of sounds(don't get any weird ideas) to be spoken/pronounced. That's why he had been studying ancient scrolls and tomes for months now. 1-2 years ago the thought of talking to a/doing stranger/unnecessary things had never crossed his mind. Now he was doing all sorts of adrenaline-pumping things because one day he just woke up with a raging curiosity that ushered him to steal ancient artifacts and learn their secrets. Somehow Bishop was now jumping rooftops to lose the ones chasing him. You could say that this situations would resemble certain movies scenes except the fact that the distance roof to roof was smaller than a meter and they were all almost the same level. Anyway, at one point it seemed he got rid of them. One other quick look back to confirm it, lead to a misplaced step, leading to falling of the roof. Losing the grip of the ancient dagger during the fall, he tried desperately to get his hands on it again although pointless as he was falling to his by-the-second approaching demise. The last cm before he touched the ground he reached for the dagger and felt time come to a pause after just touching it. Then a feeling of unease took over as everything around him started warping, or was it HE was warping?(yeah thing about that). The end result being that he found himself in a different world from where he once was. Different terrain, climate, stars. He had a good look of the horizon as he was teleported 7 meters up from the ground when entering this world. Was falling, still is. Luckily he was falling to a conveniently placed tree. -"That's gotta smooth the fall a little"-were his thoughts. It hurt like hell. Getting up, checking for any broken bones, any internal pain that he might feel, everything seemed ok except for a few minor bruises. More adrenaline rushing in at the thought of a whole new world to explore. Then he came across people laying in the ground, one mutant looking person was just regaining consciousness. Just when he was about to greet him and ask him of what he knew about this world something hit him in the back of the head and Bishop fell dead cold in the ground. Waking up he felt a hard heavy object lying on the back of his head. Extending a hand to grab it, no way, it was the dagger that must've hit him. Like how in the... He then heard people arguing and saw that guy he was just about to say hello to running off somewhere followed by a girl. The 3 people discussing were 2 girls and a guy with a rifle, some other lunatic was talking to himself while approaching what seemed like [hider=a flaming eye of Sauron][img][/img][/hider]? wait it was more like a flaming [hider=Goro from Mortal Kombat][img][/img][/hider], on closer inspection it looked like a combination of skinny Goro and [hider=a flaming atronach from Skyrim][img][/img][/hider], another guy wearing armor was approaching the flaming creature while some other girl was "sneaking" into the woods. Deciding that the best option was to consult with the present people on our location, predicament and why were people dispersing into the unknown without meeting everyone else? As much as for the flaming Goro atronach, Bishop would just wait and see on what would happen to the people approaching it.