[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yX302eZ.png[/img] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/47839318/tumblr_mfdkl8eKxk1ricmobo1_500_large.gif[/img] [b][u]Location: [/u][/b] Jade's House → Astronomy Club Meeting [b][u]Interacting With: [/u][/b]Everyone[/center][hr][hr] Jade had a few hours to kill before that meeting that she promised Alicia to go to started, so Jade had decided to go home. When she stumbled on up to her house, she took notice to the driveway. Her uncle's Harley was gone. [color=e62020][i]As usual, he's gone again.[/i][/color] Jade sighed, walking up to the front door. Digging into her bag, Jade got her key, and unlocked the door. She entered her house and closed the door behind her. Tossing her keys to the bowl on a table next to where one would enter the house, Jade proceeded to walk upstairs, sluggishly might one add. Entering her room, she went into her bathroom. As she caught her reflection in her mirror, she now noticed that she was all covered in bloodied clothing. Her skirt was partially ripped on the sides, her shirt had holes throughout it, and her jacket, on the back, had a large blood stain. It hadn't occurred to Jade until that one moment she saw herself in the mirror. Whatever she had done, whatever had happened to Connor — it was her doing. Whatever happened, be it what happens when she's stressed, agitated, or whatever or something else entirely, Jade knew one thing for sure. [color=e62020]"I [i]have[/i] to attend that meeting."[/color] It was right then and there that Jade mentally decided that she needed to go there. "Better change and shower. Don't need those vultures to have more reason to stare at me." Jade sighed and went to her room. Getting a change of clothes, then a shower, and then she would go. [hr] Lunchtime came around and Jade rolled into the school. She entered it as if she hadn't skipped the entire day. Everyone looked at her and she peaked at them through the black sunglasses she had on. Her [url=http://image.celebritieswonder.net/up/2013/10/87746123_taylor-momsen-leaving-the-House-of-Blues_3.jpg]outfit[/url] wasn't exactly glamorous. She had black of everything on. Her jeans were ripped, her hightop boots even had black laces, a black t-shirt with some kind of design on it, a necklace of some sort, and to top it all off, a black, leather jacket(unzipped). She heard the usual whispers as she walked through the halls of Lincoln Memorial High School: "What is [i]she[/i] doing here?" "Isn't she the one that hooks up with older men?" "What a slut.." And those are the nicer brand of comments she has heard every day. It's no wonder Jade's appearance as school was a rarity. She didn't need to hear those kinds of comments, let alone having to actually face those people. [color=e62020][i]Fuck them,[/i][/color] that's what she thinks of those bastards. If she wanted to get insulted, she would just call up Nina, or the vast amount of girlfriends and wives who caught her with their boyfriends and wives. Through the valley of death, Jade [s]rode[/s] walked, she found herself at the Chemistry Classroom. Apparently that's where the meeting was being held. As her hand came to the knob, Jade hesitated. She wanted to enter, but something was stopping her from doing so. What could it be? Everyone's prying eyes upon her arrival? Seeing Jay? Maybe it was the former, maybe the latter; perhaps it was a mixture of both. She knew that a majority of those in there, aside from a few of them, would instantly look at her and think 'oh my god, why is she here? She doesn't belong here?'. Jade could feel it in the pit of her stomach. She knew that everyone would judge her. [color=e62020]"Oh fuck it,"[/color] Jade threw up the towel and turned the knob. She walked in. And as she did, it seemed to be at the right time because Jay, standing at the front of the classroom(as usual), was talking about the eclipse. He had drawn some kind of diagram of some kind that to be tracking the kinds of powers that people were exhibiting(Jade assumes). Glancing at everyone, Jade saw the whole gang. Everyone was present. [color=e62020]"Seems like it's a full house,"[/color] Jade said aloud. It was loud enough for everyone to hear her. Jade chuckled as she took a seat on a desk next to Alicia. [color=e62020]"Jason, if you want the presentation to be proper, might want to add earthquakes to that, too, because apparently that's what I can do,"[/color] Jade commented halfheartedly.