Robyn finally blinked before turning her body halfway towards a woman voice calling out that seemed to be directed towards her. Shortly after listening to what she had to say Robyn considered raising a brow and putting her hand near either the pistol holstered on her side or the pump-action shotgun sheathed on her back out of instinct, but thinking too quickly has gotten her in worse troubles before so she quickly decided against it before she could move. Robyn replayed the woman's words in her head carefully and only eased by a smidge. Robyn looked at the woman from bottom to top in observation. Was...Was she dressed like a pirate? Or something of the sort? Robyn blinked as a substitution for shaking her head; this wasn't the time to mainly think about the way people are dressed. Although, as Robyn took a glance at the others around her it did seem like people were dressed...differently now that she thought about it. 'Weird' would only be a tad bit of an exaggeration. And if Robyn was ambushed and/or kidnapped, these people didn't do it. Robyn glanced at the man, the one who had asked a similar question to the pirate woman's earlier, as he suddenly drew his rifle on the pirate woman. Oh god dang it. Instinct took over Robyn one more time before walking beside him and gently lowered his rifle with her hand to show calm, "Easy..." Although her tone was vague it could probably be told that Robyn didn't want any trouble. It just seemed pointless for the time being. Robyn's gaze finally returned to the pirate woman; so much for speaking quickly. "Just as much as you do," Robyn started to answer and took the glove she had taken off earlier and quickly snugged it back on her hand, flexing it as it was put back on before shrugging. "Nothin'." Robyn's hands simultaneously patted on her legs at the end of her quick shrug before hanging loose by her sides. Robyn only partly payed attention to the flaming character of whatever it was doing or had done as it was more somewhat in the back of her mind for now.