[img]http://s1.postimg.org/ibcw84gm7/Opiumlordson_copy.jpg[/img] NAME: Lau Feng ABSTRACT: Son of infamous opium gangster [i]'The White Snake'[/i] DETAIL: Feng is a name to be feared all across East-London; operating the largest opium operation this side of the channel; the family leader [i]White Snake[/i] is known for both his strict code of honour and his mercilessness to any who dares cross him. But his son is another matter entirely. Spoilt and petulant, Lau grew up with everyone he knew afraid of him by association with his father. The White Snake had an uncharacteristic soft spot for his lazy son whom he forgave and indulged at every turn. Lau soon enough turned to alcohol and later opium, quickly spiralling ever downwards until even his father finally took notice. Packing Lau off with a few retainers he was sent off to the country, banished until he could show some signs of maturing. Word from one of his informants in London told him that his uncle is trying to muscle in as heir to the Feng operation, Lau has resolved to impress his father sooner rather than later...then he received a letter.