[quote=@Narcotic Dollie] [@Dynamo Frokane] [@MyCatGinger] Howdy, I see we've got ourselves a good old fashioned reboot! It looks like a ton of fun and the first one was one of my all time favorite games, but I'm not sure if I should join up. I'm a little worried about my rl stuff and whether or not I'd be able to keep up. Plus, I'd feel awful if I had to drop this game suddenly again without a way to let anyone know. I'm torn. :/ [/quote] I think it deserves a shot, [s]Nick [/s] we would obviously all love for the return of absolutely amazingly beautiful [b]Nori Haywood[/b] especially now we actually have more than enough male characters. But that being said we also would love to have [b]DJ Dangermouse[/b] back as well! I know its a large commitment, but we would all understand if you had to have shorter posts, me and Co-GM are super relaxed as you know and wouldn't be anal about sticking to the large paragraph format if you didn't have the time to. [hider=Basically what we are trying to say is...] [img]http://www.troll.me/images/dawson-crying/please-come-back-please-come-back-thumb.jpg[/img] [/hider]