Well for starters... I had to find another spot to stay/sit/rest at because my previous one got burned to the ground by that flaming goro atronach. Noticing blood in his hands, and blood in the dagger Bishop got pale. Frantically searching for the cut/wound but to no avail UNTIL...his eye caught a medium cut located in his elbow."That damned flaming goro with his flaming tricks"-he thought. Seeing the 3 people arguing about something he decided to approach them while saying:"Hi all, my name is Bishop, nice to meet you. I would like to talk about my life history and why I quit alcoh...just joking.Hehe. Anyway would you be so kind as to tell me your names and any information you might know about this place? And what was the last thing you remember doing before you got here, that might help us solve the mystery to this world." [@LizLegend] [@jordy0403] [@ariplotter]