[h2]Noboru Yamamoto-Cave of Solitude[/h2] Noboru took a second to take in what had happened. He got madder and madder, his vision growing red. He tore his shirt off in his blind rage, throwing it down to the ground. Tearing off the webbing, he grabbed Akane by the arms. [color=navy]"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you, you freaky fuckin spider lady! How about you get a taste...of...this!"[/color] Noboru swung round and round and round, hurling Akane directly on top of the spider to deal critical damage. Taking the next initiative, Noboru rushed up and unleashed a hail of punches, trying his best to keep it aggro'd on him so it wouldn't attack anyone else if it so happened to escape. [h2]Aiko Yamamoto-A Sidewalk[/h2] Aiko walked down the uncrowded sidewalk. He had just gotten back from a convention, one which he cosplayed in. It was a dirty secret of his, but that wouldn't stop him from doing it. It was just a matter of not being discovered. Today, he was Ryu, the World Warrior! Thankfully, his training with Noboru had given him muscle, making him look natural in his costume. His thoughts went on until a loud voice interrupted them. "Someone stop him!" The idea raced in his head. He could play out his character to perfection! It was a great chance to prove himself. The thief raced down the street towards him and Aiko grinned. He took a stance, ready. 3. The thief sped up. 2. Closer. 1. Now. Aiko raised his fist backwards, and swung it forward and up. The first punch hit the thief in the gut, stunning him. "MET....SUUUUUUUU," His fist now rose upwards right into the jaw of the thief. The world seemed to slow down as the impact of his fist struck the thief. "SHOOOOOOOOOOORYUUUUKEN!" Aiko barely looked behind his punch to see another person diving for the thief. Fuck. Aiko's punch drove the thief backwards, letting this hero-to-be catch him. As the two star crossed rivals embraced, Aiko, looked beyond, noticing some of his classmates, some of which were part of the cafe, heading towards the scene. Double fuck. Despite wanting to be the hero, Aiko took off the other way, making sure his secret ways stayed hidden.